So What's The Problem With Sega Saturn Emulation Exactly?

yeah i agree, i just cant believe someone would go to so much effort to create a fake video like that. i mean what the hell is he going to get out of it?

he obviously has too much time on his hands.
It's probably some media playing app with autoload (or invisible menu skin) and edited icon/BG :)
Vorporeal said:
That would probably be the speed you'd get playing on a normal home computer.
Not a comment on the liklihood of it being fake, but I get very close to full speed (at least on Panzer Dragoon Saga, which I always assumed was one of the more intense games for Saturn) on my machine - way way faster than what's claimed by these vids. Admittedly, my machine is a 3GHz P4, and I was using SSF, but still, if that's what you're getting on a home computer, then your computer must be fairly old...
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Yrx said:
I asked a well known portable console modder if he ever considered making a portable Saturn, and I got an answer that it would be very difficult to do, since the components are stacked like in a Gamecube or Dreamcast. Then you get into the issue that you mod chips virtually don't exist anymore, and that even if they did, compatibility with all the different models would be an issue. And you can't just ignore the system, because it has gems like NiGHTS, Shining Force III, Panzer Dragoon Saga, etc. SFIII and PDS both being prohibitively expensive to find, I might add...
Being a portablizer myself, I can reaffirm that it'd be pretty tough to make one, but perhaps not for those reasons. The multiple motherboards can be worked around as seen by the vast number of Gamecube and Dreamcast portables that have already been completed. I mean, it could contribute to the size issues as seen by the single Saturn portable that's been made being a beast, but that could be worked out. The real problem lies in the sole volatility of the Saturn itself. People over at the Benheck forums complain about N64 motherboards frying; you should see the Saturn! So many components, if you just LOOK at it the wrong way it'll fry.

Just out of curiosity, who was it you talked to about making one? :P
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CronoTriggerfan said:
Yrx said:
I asked a well known portable console modder if he ever considered making a portable Saturn, and I got an answer that it would be very difficult to do, since the components are stacked like in a Gamecube or Dreamcast. Then you get into the issue that you mod chips virtually don't exist anymore, and that even if they did, compatibility with all the different models would be an issue. And you can't just ignore the system, because it has gems like NiGHTS, Shining Force III, Panzer Dragoon Saga, etc. SFIII and PDS both being prohibitively expensive to find, I might add...
Being a portablizer myself, I can reaffirm that it'd be pretty tough to make one, but perhaps not for those reasons. The multiple motherboards can be worked around as seen by the vast number of Gamecube and Dreamcast portables that have already been completed. I mean, it could contribute to the size issues as seen by the single Saturn portable that's been made being a beast, but that could be worked out. The real problem lies in the sole volatility of the Saturn itself. People over at the Benheck forums complain about N64 motherboards frying; you should see the Saturn! So many components, if you just LOOK at it the wrong way it'll fry.

Just out of curiosity, who was it you talked to about making one? :P

I just sent a random email to Ben Heck while I was out searching for a mod chip one day. He didn't have much to say about it, really.
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lol, I started an is-this-fake-or-not subtopic =`P

I just want to keep showing you guys what you could squeeze out of the Pandora you are going to buy and support, and make sure everyone here understand it is also our duty to make those good developers take a look at the pandora.

this goes for everyone who tried to flame me when I said n64 emulation is possible. please understand that it is better for us to focus on pushing the pandora to it's limits as soon as possible.
there are more zodttd's and exophase's out there, and the Pandora will only succeed with people like them.
the hacked girigiri and ssf work pretty damn close to fullspeed on my lame 4 year old pc, but the aren't open source (well obviously, girigiri was commercial). ssf still gets updated afaik, but the devs are japanese, and you may have a hard time working things out (the read mes are in japanese if i remember correctly). yabause is the only open source saturn emu i know of, gets updated systematically, but is pretty slow and incompatible.. though with all those ports to other consoles of the emu, things are looking good, and a good deal of devs are getting involved with it, so there could be hope
Hi very very sorry for replying to an old thread but I need to ask something about Sega Saturn Emulators for playing the games from the same console. I have installed the RetroArch emulator and for playing the Saturn games the emulator needs some codes or some patch to be installed or something else for playing the games. Anyone who understands how it works the RetroArch emulator and how can I start playing the Saturn games on it because i read that the best emulator to do that is the RetroArch. Any help would be nice. Thanks.
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