So, What's The Deal With That New Skin Maker?

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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I can't figure it out :lol: Seems like it's a bit late, now that we have gmenu2x, but I'd still like to fool around with it ...
Heres what I can see as new on a quick pass (IE possible new stuff in the next release):

New under Settings:

Looks like used for Skin info.

New options under System Menu:
Skin Dithering:
On / Off
Character Sets:
'Lots listed'
Power Saving:
Cpu Clock Adjust
On /Off

The menu software seems to be almost fully working I wonder if they ported the actual C code to windows and compiled it..

I has an 'emulated' SD and nand areas, via a directory.
And a skin directory in it are a couple of interesting config files, 'skin', 'system' and 'credits', wonder if they are for use via the app of in use in the real machine.
Wow it looks really cool.. gonna play with it later.

EDIT: It's really weird how everything's there.. right down to a readable GPL license txt file in the NAND area!

EDIT: Telcolou.. just add a folder for the theme you want to test into the skin folder.. then select it from the system menu. I guess they should have called this a skin previewer instead of maker.

EDIT: Hmm, the icons don't seem to change doing it that way. I guess most current skins will need fixing to work with the new firmware.
The koreans tell me that pressing F9 will create a GPS file which grabs all the content from the skin directory and hordes it all into a single file.

This allows skin makers to prototype their skins faster.

This file can be used to change the GUI/UI skin on the fly when used in Firmware 2.1.0. However, the function has been disabled. I guess they have not finished it yet, as the firmware is yet to come.
Woah, this skin thing is cool. It also allows you to change the interface into any language you want. As every text thing is totally skinnable, and there are 100's of less images, so its better. Ya, seems cool. Ill port over all my skins and finally release them to the public lol.

EDIT: Woah, transition effects between menus. Looking seixer.
EDIT2: Also its setup to do ID3 tags. Where the hell was I when this was released? I visit these forums every day lol.
The Skinmaker was only released on the korean site, and the readme is in korean.

I think that's why it was never on the news. Because it's not an english release, so its not so easy to understand.

Maybe in a month or two, we'll see an english release, wth gps file generation activated.
'Skin-Maker'? Near as I can tell they just compiled an x86 Windows target of the original GP2Xmenu binary from the firmware. In fact that's exactly what it is-- with some transitions and such. I guess it's useful, but it's not really a 'skin maker' in any regard.
Definitely not, it's just an SDL application. There is far more involved in writing an emulator for what is essetially a full ARM9-based computer-- and once one was written it'd just run a firmware image, mount a Linux filesystem and run native GP2X software anyway.