So, what you backing? [crowdfunders]

Update on that cancelled Super Famicom Art Book ... it's back on! ☺

Bitmap Books are doing it now and looks to be even better, now a larger square book with actual size high res scans of the boxes.

Info here if want to sign up newsletter for release alert expected early 2016

...this forum is not letting me paste links.. comes up "the link is" followed by only start of URL...??

Bitmap Books website got info on main page anyway 
^^ Same hear, absolut gar nix, because, hear in germany, there is kickstarter not that popular

Also i wants to save my Mony for the Pyra..

Kickstarter is pretty well known and popular in germany and there are regular news about in all Media. The only Problem KS has here is that basicly nobody uses credit cards. :D  
My pending backer queue:

  • CHIP - $9 ARM SBC w/ wifi, battery management & video out.  Has a lot of interesting addons, like a blackberry-style "pocketCHIP' enclosure.  Currently on schedule - my alpha board should already be in the mail.
  • Remix Mini - cheap ARM miniPC with desktopified android.  Currently on or close to schedule - I expect to receive it before the end of the year.
  • Ignition - a social retro gaming OS for the RPi.  Beta builds have been made available, but many of the promised features are either broken or not yet implemented.  Development has slowed to a crawl, and it's not looking like it will ever be completed.
  • Of Dogs and Men (formerly Puppycide) - documentary about the rampant killing of dogs by police officers.  Nearly a year behind schedule, but still in active production.
  • Wolf Girl - live action Princess Mononoke fan film.  More than a year behind schedule, but they're still working on it.  Kind of.  I give it a 50/50 chance of actually getting finished before the heat death of the universe.
I've backed about a dozen other projects in the past that have all come through (eventually).  The only one I actually regret is the damnable ouya.
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Exploding kittens shipped on time.  Granted, with the $8.7 million they got, they certainly wouldn't have had an excuse if they were late.  

Teensy 3.0 was only a late by a couple of weeks.  I'm calling that "on time" by KS standards.

I'm sure there are others, but those are the only two that I backed that I received on (or near) schedule.  I did get shipping confirmation for my alpha CHIP board, so that's on schedule so far.  We'll see if the final production boards and accessories keep to schedule as well - they have until December for the first production batch, and until May for the accessories.
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  • CHIP - $9 ARM SBC w/ wifi, battery management & video out.  Has a lot of interesting addons, like a blackberry-style "pocketCHIP' enclosure.  Currently on schedule - my alpha board should already be in the mail.

I was really excited for the CHIP when I first heard about it, but the amount that they wanted for shipping and the inability to buy multiple of just the boards (I didn't want any of the accessories, I just wanted a buttload of cheap, high powered ARM processors) quickly squashed that enthusiasm.
Yeah, the shipping costs for international orders were absurd.  Why they couldn't just drop-ship them from China where they're being manufactured (for practically free) was never adequately explained.  I hope (and expect) that post-kickstarter, they will be available locally for reasonable shipping costs.
Exploding kittens shipped on time.  Granted, with the $8.7 million they got, they certainly wouldn't have had an excuse if they were late.  

Teensy 3.0 was only a late by a couple of weeks.  I'm calling that "on time" by KS standards.

I'm sure there are others, but those are the only two that I backed that I received on (or near) schedule.  I did get shipping confirmation for my alpha CHIP board, so that's on schedule so far.  We'll see if the final production boards and accessories keep to schedule as well - they have until December for the first production batch, and until May for the accessories.

Didn't realise the Teensy was a KS project. I really should try and finish building my Teensy game controller at some point though.
Few more things currently backing/pledged

The Crafty Robot

A cheap little widgety thingy to create some paper robots from, which will scurry around my desk and floor. Just seemed fun and were  not expensive at all

ZX Spectrum: A Visual Compendium

I have the others in this series, and I love the Spectrum so this was an obvious buy. Saw a video on YT of someone involved who got early copies and it looks so nice, those colors popping off a black glossy page background. I'm really keen to get this and give it a look through

PiPlay Deskcade

An arcade panel for the RPi

Friday the 13th: The Game

Some Jason action! I got on the PS4 version and expecting a good game at the end of this.

The Game Chasers Series 3 DVD

Chodish behaviour and retro games a plenty. Looks like will have a decent amount of extra content to what's been shown on their YT so thought I'd treat myself to that
@TrashyMG I just got an email this evening after you posted, from KS, and that is their 'Happening' hype feature... so hopefully will be goal achieved
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I wrote a Top Trumps game ages ago, with multiple decks - I could easily port it to Pandora. I called it Battle Cards

I even had it running on the Wiz


[EDIT] WTF is this forum doing with images. Grrrrrrrr!!!

See below for other images. Stupid forum.
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