So Ware Are The [insert Console Here] Emu?


Still Fresh
Nov 21, 2005
So alright I’m looking over the wiki and I’m looking through the download sites and I’m not seeing any of the bread and butter consoles underdevelopment. I’m talking NES, SNES, Sega anything, Neo Geo pocket, Game Boy what ever, and many other of the 16-bit and down systems. Now from what I understand the GP32 apps don’t port directly over the GP2X so if I understand this correctly some one would need to do the conversion. So who is doing them, are they just not listed on the wiki, or am I missing something here that I am unaware of?

P.S. by no means am I trying to disrespect the devs in any way. Its just that whether or not I buy a GP2X is based on the emus that are going to be made. I understand the devs will make what they want to make I would defiantly develop for the GP2X but I’m not going to invest in a handheld that I may not be able to develop for (seeing how I have no background in developing for such a device) with out any incentive if I totally fall flat on face a 100 times while working on it.
There is already a nes/snes emulator released. SMS is under development with a non playable release out. Everything is "wait till someone picks it up".
Ah, but how long will it be before there's a GP32 emulator available for the GP2X? :)

Does anyone know if a CPC emulator like Pituka is going to happen for the GP2X? There's a couple of games I used to have on my old CPC that don't seem to have been released anywhere else, so I can't retire my GP32 just yet!