so there is a leaked gba emulator?


Mar 19, 2003
So the GBA emulator is real? if so does it actually play games? If it is capable of running anything does anyone know how fast it is? I'm just curious about this because it seems to be pushing the gp32 to its limits to get it to run snes at all so I'm just wondering if it can run a GBA game at this point how well can it do it.
Perhaps its not a good idea to talk about this - you'll start a flame war with no end.

good point, It probably isn't a good idea to continue this thred. I am not asking for the emulator or even were to find it I was just curious about its progress to this point and if anyone knows if it is in fact still in development.
all I know is there were 3 emus leaked by that ass. one of them was the GBA one.. and supposedly it was running at 150mhZ or 166mhZ (obviously pretty well over the 133mhZ normal GP32) Thats all I know. I couldn't tell you if it works or how fast.. but this whole incident is just too bad. (leaking ass).
So... if it really runs higher than 133 MHz all the ******* who are using this emulator will suffer an LCD death... as we all know that a speed higher than 133 MHz REALLY damage your GP32!
AFAIK 'ignorante' was a well-respected community member, he's mentioned in Ryleh's emulator readmes in special thanks, for example ... I take it he was given betas and then decided to leak them all. Idiot...
Well-respected member?

This Ignorante guy is the same who put together the whole pirated GP32 software,
which is floating around in various P2P networks. That would be enough information
for me not to trust him.
The keyword is 'was' ... check the fMSX readme for example, he is credited with "keeping the gp32 spirit alive" ... and he must have been trusted to get the emus. Of course -now- we know he is an asshole.