Snes9x4p -- Better solution out there?


Still Fresh
Jan 15, 2013
Currently, I only use my 1ghz pandora to play SNES. I've noticed that the audio rendering in snes9x4p is less than optimal and some sounds aren't even close to being accurate.

From a little googling, it doesn't seem that Snes9x4P has been updated in quite some time, is there another solution that works better?
Not 100% sure, but doesn't snes9x4p an accurate sound render setting in the menu?
Not that I know, unless you got an older version somewhere else.. Newest version here.. 

I honestly never had any issues with the sound, but I'm tone deaf..
Yeah that's the version I have.

Most sounds are fairly accurate, but I'm playing Final Fantasy 3 right now, and the monster kill noise definitely isn't accurate, along with a few other tones.
That got it. Just sucks I get slowdowns in 3x2 w/ alt sample decoding on when running at 1ghz, lol.