

Still Fresh
Apr 7, 2004
guys i thinkin i want a gp32 166mhz i have 133mhz whats snes emulation like is the overall speed anygood on 166 before i blow my £ on one
guys i thinkin i want a gp32 166mhz i have 133mhz whats snes emulation like is the overall speed anygood on 166 before i blow my £ on one

Slow and crappy with sound. Playing without sound sux. Forget SNES.

You would be better off modding your 133 one with the volt mod if you want to go faster, it is much cheaper.
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TBH, I don`t think it worth buying a 166mhz GP32 just for snes emulation. Alot of games are playable at 166mhz but not quite there.

If you wanted it for DrMD (megadrive), GPEngine (PCEngine) etc as well, Then i would not hesitate in recommending you purchase a 166mhz GP32, But not for snes only.

Just my 2p.

If you are getting a new BLU, the Snes emulation has a screen bug, but with older BLU units, FLUs and Non-lit GP32's the emulator works fine. I wouldn't recommend the GP32 on just SNES emulation however, it has many good home-made (homebrew) games and emulators including Nes, Pc-engine, Gbc, and Genesis/Megadrive.

Edit: Ooops, I just re-read your above post and didn't realize you had a GP32 already. From my personal experence, GP32 166 Snes emulation is pretty good, with a lot of games playable but not fullspeed when sound is turned off. There is a guide to do it yourself here or you could send it away, as I assume you are going to do.
BTW: From his/her post, He/she seems to point out that they already have a GP32 that goes to 133mhz. So it seems that they wish to upgrade.


I forgot to mention castaway in my first reply, Sorry skeetzx.

How do you get 180MHz ones?

OS9X (I think it's that one) is playable at 166MHz. It runs at almost full speed at about 10fps with sound. It's not brilliant but not bad either. I'm sure better SNES emulation will be achieved in the future.
code3, how far have you tried overclocking your standard '133' GP32? Most seem to handle 156mhz and many go higher, so that could well answer your question for you. Try running Snes9XGP at higher clock speeds and seeing what happens - at worst your GP32 will reset.

Your from finland?

Worse, Lappland, Finland. :ph34r:

We got reindeers, only in in Finland.
We got polar bears, only in Finland.
Finland, Finland Finland Finland!

(Forget Norway) :P

Hum, maybe i should put it to the location part on the information bit. Where everybody else seems to be from Sheffielddorchestershire, UK.

Edit: I'm wondering, if the 5000 character limit on the location field is for those welch Lendyndanganwellyndingdongfallandirrlandii-type town names.
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