

The Dutchmaster
Mar 14, 2004
Manhattan, NY
I'm on the brink of purchasing one of these little guys (I'm thinkin' non-FLU, being that I lack $). So far I've done a good deal of research, but I still don't know if this is for me. I am certainly a retro gamer, but I admit that snes emulation would be my main reason for buying. I've read all the other posts so I know what to expect. The problem is, I'm no computer whiz. Is the process of porting my roms and emus over to the gp32 a harrowing one? I've been reding some daunting stuff about people having issues with this. Also, the same question but with mp3's. Is it difficult? I'm not even gonna ask about video... thats really out of my leauge. Sorry for the long e-mail and I would really appreciate any feedback. :D
Dude, you have no idea how easy everything is. There are so many great tutorials that I doubt you won't be watching movies and listening to mp3's in no time. That being said...HAVE FUN! Just be careful and dont pull the card out when the gp32 is still on. I pulled mine out and have no freakn clue how to fix it <_<
For MP3's just drag and drop the MP3's into the mp3 folder (or the music bastket thing in PC Link) Videos are not much different.

For ROM's just follow the instructions in the readme.

Usually you will put the MyEmulator.fxe in the folder called GPMM, and in that folder, lets say you want to put SNES roms, you would create a folder called SNES and put your roms there. Thats where the snes emu's look for snes roms. And thats all. Start up your GP32 and play em. Each emulator has its own folder that it looks for roms in, look in the readme to see what that is.

It couldnt be easier.
You certainly don't have to be a computer whiz to get the best out of the gp32. Just read one of many FAQs and you'll be set. You can use the same roms you use on the pc, for mp3s, they just need to have some info in them (title, artist, etc. this can be added by right clicking them and going to summary) and then you can just transfer them over to the mp3 folder on your smartmedia card, and for videos, just following the guide on for using virtual dub and you'll be set. And remeber, if you have run into a problem setting it up, you can just ask us and we'll solve everything.
My god you guys have been so helpful :D . I will order asap! Another question though; is the default...umm... I guess it's a browser(?) good, or is wind-ups more essential? Is it difficult to create new folders? Should I shut up now? okay, I'm done for now. THANKS :P
THe best thing to do is to actually try things out for yourself then be surprised how easy everthing is..
yeah the default is pretty good. but you can always do a firmware upgrade to use windups..which i am thinkin about, just cus i like a more PC feel. and creating new folders is really easy, just like you would do on your pc's desktop. and yes, you should shut up now :D just kidding. and it is really easy to learn how to do. i just got mine last thursday and have been putting stuff on it everyday, and taking it off..... and puttting it back on...and taking it off..... lol KOF91 is fun to mess around with.
Putting stuff on and taking stuff off is very similar to having another drive in your PC except you have to use a slightly different interface to Windows Explorer (the list isn't in alphabetical order!)

Drag, drop. It really is that simple. Always read the readme.txt files that come with programs. Unless it's a tech demo by coders for coders it will tell you the exact folder structure you need.

The act of porting programs is something you don't need to worry about to start with (or ever if you don't plan to code). Porting is the act of taking someone else's program that runs on another platform (for example the Mame program (which was written for PC), and rewriting it for another platform (numerous people have rewritten it for countless other platforms - the latest being Mr Mirko bringing it to GP)).
Remember, to port something, the .exe file on your PC is not good enough - you need the source code (effectively what the devs typed in to make the game).

With respect to roms, the only technical limitation is having to use 8.3 filenames (8 characters followed by a fullstop followed by 3 letters) like the bad old days of dos. Legally you need to have the game in it's original form to play them, and to link to them is frowned upon and stomped on here by the mods.
i got mine working after about an hour out of the box, using the well-writtten tut's located at

tip - buy yourself a SMC card reader for your PC. You can easily find for 10 bucks, there's really no reason not to. Don't have to deal with the clunky PC linker interface, it transfers data MUCH faster, you don't have to rename eveything to 8.3 format.. easy as pie, man!!

I am using the default firmware still, you can install windups in there anyway, even with the orig. firmware (if you're chicken like me! I just stuck all the emu's apps in a subdirectory, you define links to everything on the windups Desktop anyway) People would probably criticize that method cause you gotta wait a few extra seconds and tap a few more buttons each time to get going, but hey I don't care, works for me!

--BTW-- the GP32 has "stopped production" before, and still more came. I tend to take all those messages witha grain of salt (though I would not be one bit surprised if one day they just suddenly stopped production altogether, as per Gamepark's Modus Operandi...)
For a new gp32 user i would probably recommend initally getting everything setup then as soon as you can switch 2 gpdrive which makes things very very very very very very very very very easy. As it just becomes another drive on your computer + works like any other (no clumsy pc link) and well it would probably be useful 2 get yafl 2 auto booting. + make sure you keep away from the standard mp3 player its evil :/ ...... GpMad Mp3 is the best i have 53 mp3's on my game park and they only take 88mb as i encode into Mono + then at variable bit rate from 32kbps to 128kbps and i can barely notice the difference apart from it not being stereo ^_^ seems to be the best encode setting. Just wait till equaliser support ! yeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... as you can tell i am some what pleased with my gp32 : ! Also coding for it is pretty simple compared to other systems
almost forgot

craig @ willl supposedly do the registration stuff for you, if you like (no one else does that.. right?) so you won't even have to deal w/ it if you are a little scared of that stuff. talk to him about it...
Please keep in mind that SNES emulation is not perfect yet, many games are only without sound very playable, but once yoyo has implemented ASM, we could have fullspeed w/ sound and frameskip 0 or 1. (just a matter of time)