Snes Games


Feb 9, 2003
what are according to you the best snes games for a fast play (those games that, in other words, seem perfect for an handeld)

i think E.V.O. is a very good game for that purpose..
and maybe bahamut lagoon (with that tamagothi like feature ;))
also, kirby fun pack is a great game for a touch and go...
maybe bust-a-move...
rpgs in general are great choices, too...

games like demon's crest,castlevania dracula x, knights of the round, captain commando,super ghouls and ghosts, although VERY good games, are not games for a fast play...

PARODIUS is, instead..
pop'n'twin, maybe, but i tend to not abuse of it, because when i start with a fast play in mind i risk to remain glued to the screen ;)

ah! and micro machines, obviously!
..and pocky and rocky!

what else? any suggestions?

ps:there are a lot of games for gba that fit this purpose.. for example warioinc..
and another game that i canàt remember right now, but seemed just like a tamagotchi to me ;) (anyone here remembers monster's farm for the psx?)
does anybody know snes games similar to parappa the rapper, or rez, or dance dance revolution?
SF2 Turbo! :D
Puyo Puyo
Killer Instinct

...and if you're using Save States (so can play say 1 level at a time, then save it and come back to it when you need more "fast play" :P) then i'd say:

Super Mario World
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Super Aleste
Final Fight
Super Aleste/Space Megaforce... may be 12 levels but it's not really something you need save states for. I could beat it in45 minutes to a hour assuming you can get through the points where the the transparency problem dosent cause enemy forcefields or weapons to be invisible... (or worse your own!)

plus some of the Background special effects really slow down the game.