Snes Emulators On Gp32


Still Fresh
Oct 4, 2005
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Hi, I just got my Gp32(flu) a week ago and i love it. I've been playing
around with some snes emulators and just wanted to know if the source
code for is available anywhere, and
If so if any devs would consider looking/working on it? Oh and btw this is'nt
a plead by any means to get devs to work on Snes9xGP v0.97f. I would
just like to hear their opinions. My opinion about this emu is that it seems
less buggy/playable than OpenSnes the one done by Yoyofr.

Yoyo is a great coder and his emu by any means is'nt horrible jus seems
more buggy. OpenSnes does have better speed but so many bugs like sound
and graphics but thats due to the transparency issue. Snes9xGP v0.97f has full
transparency it seems. It also has decent speed not as fast as yoyo's but still
very playable. Sound seems to be more clear with Snes9xGP aswell.

I just cannot play some games like Super Metriod with OpenSnes. It may
be faster but not haveing transparency and haveing the audio bugs destroys its
ambiance. If one were to add overclocking to Snesxgp v0.97f perhaps we can get
speed close to yoyo's. I like both emu's and have them both on my SMC do both
do things differently but i still prefer snesxgp v0.97f.
umm just because you say it's "not a plead" that dosent stop if from being what it is.

Emulators get worked on by devs that have time and interest posts lke this erode that interest.

Not just to let you know you'll probably get flamed for this thread, I would invite you to avoide making it worse by reaposnding to the flames you inevitably get with any sort of anger or snippy comment.
Yea I understand I know it kinda looks like a plead, but I just wanted to hear
what people think out of those 2 emulators. Sorry everyone for the first post im
new to the Gp32 scene and I hope I didnt come off as a begging noob on my first
Well depending on the code used (either one uses different methods to achive their emmulation) as you noticed the intent in one was indeed to make a more compatible emulator and one intended to get the best speed. because of the limitations in the system itself it's a rough balancing act to have you cake and eat it too.
The future of SNES emulation has never been brighter, now that Reesy is working on OpenSNES. Don't complain and use that, or wait until the new sound core is implemented, which will probably fix those sound issues.

Transparencys on the other hand will probably never be supported fully (there is some talk about a hack to fake it) at a playable speed.
The source code to Snes9xGP v0.97f was never released. So no luck there. The source code for OpenSnes9xGP 0.3 (Yoyo's version) was released though, and Reesy is working on it. For now, forget about SNES and try DrMD or something.
Snes9xGP prety much got killed cause of (apparently) too much impolite nagging from a couple people in this community.. for what it's worth, they've not been in this scene for ages, and as a whole things have bbeen more "kinder and gentler" for some time since.

let it be a lesson though!!

i am not sure what to expect of reesy's tinkering with OSNES9X. The guy does have a blazing track record (I remember when he used to be a GBA star with DrSMS). But I also have been watching the crawling development of SNES emu's on this system for years now. Remeber there was a time when "GBA emulation is within arms' reach!!" Not so, after all.

Well I will give him the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully he'll get supercrazy and wrap it up nice and tight, plus kick out a port of PCEAdvance to call it a day (sorry just thought I'd toss it in.. heh heh)

Actually for the record - there was talk of that awhile ago - did anything ever happen with the PCEAdvance port? Or was it deemed to problematic to port over from the GBA dedicated hardware stuff/etc? Just curious. We've already got the more than capable GPengine anyway, so I can't really complain.
Thanks for all info guys and wow I have tried the new opensnes the one reesy's
working on and its definately a great improvement in speed. Also big thanks to
Blah for recommending DrMD this thing is like crazy its perfect. Thanks again for
all your thoughts on the snes emu's.
also remember that there will be a gp32 port of the new snes emu snes4all.

it really is a great time to get a gp32 with snes, md, duke and mame all been worked on... oh yeah and squidge said once he has ported UAE to the gp2x he will port it to the gp32 to see how it compares.

Exciting times indeed.
I for one was most excited to play my forthcoming GP32 for the Snes emulation, but was saddened when I heard long ago that that's what it had most trouble with.

I'm excited at the prospect of a better Snes emu than what it sounds like everyone's used to, and really thank Reesy for getting it on. I don't even know which one's the best though, since mine will be a BLU+ and they're not all compatible..
you SNES and genny lovers

if you've not, check out GPengine. quality stuff in that vein there, too
yeah.... shame about that no save state thing in GPengine though. :P

While it's nice, that's kind of a problem... plus it could use a couple of inbetween MHz speeds and an auto frameskip.
save states never bothers me as nearly all games, before the snes came out never had saves anyway. Can't think of any games which had saves on the pc engine except populous.
So GP Engine plays the Snes games fine but doesn't have save states?

I wouldn't mind using it for stuff like Contra or Castlevania, games that don't save. How's the sound and graphic performance of this emu?
PCengine = Turbografx16

Save states would have meant, atleast for me, that I dont have to monkey with the settings for 5 minutes every time I use it just to play a game of soldier blade. I'm pretty sure the "turbo booster" was used for more than just saving hi-scores, I think some RPGs had the option to use passwords or the Booster to save your game.
Oh, sorry. The "Engine" of the title made me think it WAS the PC Engine he was talking about, but the way it popped up I thought it was being referred to in regards to the Super Nes. Oh well.