Good Snes Emu?

spaceboygp32x posted on Feb 3 2005 at 02:18 PM said:
what if we all donated lots!!!

pre-emtive donating - it would be like freelancing

if everyone who wants to use it donates £5 say

space :lol:

To be honest, that's already happened - I've been offered something significant if I produced a decent Snes emu, although I can't of course say what or from who.

Problem is, I don't have the time or the motivation, and the snes is a right bitch to emulate, which is why most people just port snes9x and then optimize that.

That's not to say I've not tried, however, although my attempts have been feeble :(

So, pre-emptive donating, as you call it, is unlikely to get anything either, at least from me, which is why I still think Reesy is the man for the job :)
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I'll upload it onto my GP32x File Archive and give you a news post!
Yes! Your very own news post at THE FRONT PAGE!

Is that enough? ;)
Uh, fullspeed with sound? What version, might i ask? And what region? (U, E,W,J)
The USA version... it's fullspeed with sound about half the time at 156Mhz at FS2 (sometimes even FS1 or 0 on the faster levels). The levels with snow/water are slower, but other levels can sometimes be TOO fast. Also, the menu is slower, some of the text (such as when Cranky Kong talks to you) is black instead of white, and you need to use one of the transparency hacks for certain levels. Overall, though, it's very playable.

The strange thing about OSNES9xGP is that it seems to notice after about 7 seconds if something is running too fast and slows it down to about the correct speed (it still runs at the same frame rate, though, just slower). I'm not sure how it does this, but judging from how it feels when I play it doesn't seem to be a very efficient process; you can practically FEEL the system working every second to keep it from speeding up. I think what OSNES9xGP really needs is a good "automatic frame skip" like DrMD... of course it won't be very practical for some games that run very slow (anything below FS2 or FS3 looks bad to me), but I think it'll work fine for DKC.