SNES 9x Question


Jan 4, 2010
Workington, Cumbria, (UK)
I was wondering if it handles Roms that have been .IPS patched (language translations)

I know the Windows version does, was just wondering if anyone had experience with this particular version.

Thanks to anyone taking the time to respond.
Well, I don't see why it wouldn't. As long as the patches are still proper SNES code (they would run on a real SNES), they should run fine in the emulator. I know with NES hacks, usually as long as you can run the original game in the emulator, the hack should work as well, but a few don't work on all emulators because they were written to abuse some bug in a particular emulator. I don't know much about SNES hacks in particular though.
I've played through Rockman & Forte with the English patch by AGTP applied to it, if that sheds any light. I encountered no problems. :P