@DCGM, firstly herion isn't cool you twat! And secondly, cos of my job I know that spray, and you should stop taking it. The more you take it the more your body needs it. If you just ake it all the while you are fucked. Sorry. I have had two ops on my nose, septum (rectum) etc. It hurts a lot, but is worth it. If you take that drug too much and then stop, then you will have the biggest presure on your nose, maybe even developing cists and polips (how do you spell those things?)
Anyway. I stopped smoking a few years ago. No one knew I smoked, and I was such a secretive, shamefull smoker. A filthy dirty habit. It was hard enogh but SO worth it. People who still smoke, and tell themselves they enjoy it are...well, just deluding themselves. I used to think I was cool to smoke, as a teenager it was the cool thing to do. Then in my twenties, studying singing, I had to hide it cos it wasn't cool, it was stupid. How many smokers start smoking as adults? I bet none, and yet kids arn't allowed to smoke. The companies push ciggies on kids. Evil bastards. I wouldn't ban it, I wouldn't ban taking any substance. But smoking is so not cool, especially when....
The best friend of my brother, 40 years old, nice guy-just got married, smoked heavily since very young, has out 10 months to live. He has bladder and bone cancer. He is a physical wreck and he would give anything to turn back time and NEVER HAVE SMOKED A CIGGIE IN HIS LIFE. It ain#t cool when you are still young and are slowly dying a hideous and horrendous death because of inhaling shite!
I went to a concert a couple of years ago, by the great duo Gillian Welch and David Rawlings. They had put posters up everywhere asking people not to smoke during the concert in the hall. Everyone smoked. They couldn't help themselves. I asked one why and he said "Fuck her, I've paid money". Twat. Smokers can't regulate themselves. In Ireland, I go out to a pub and no one smokes, it isn't allowed. It's bliss. I have a baby daughter in Germany, every smoked over her pram. I hate smokers now. Call it hindsight, but smoking is just the daftest thing to do, imo.
I'll stop now.
(Ste, keep going mate!)