Smc Problems, Bad Blocks And Linking Trouble.


Still Fresh
Aug 18, 2005
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Hello all, Im new but I have tried to read as much as I could before posting.

Ive just got a gp32 and 32mb smc from ebay.

The firmware is european it has aquafish, pacrom 0.31b, windups (not sure what ver) and pc link.

I have downloaded and installed GPManager and fireflys latest USB driver. (I have SP2)

When I try to use PC link I get SMC errors, if I try to recover them after pressing select it gives the 0 errors found press reset.

So Ive read in the forums to use pacrom, Pacrom was able to format the card and found 2 bad blocks.

So I want to try and connect to the GP32 using the linker in pacrom. I presume one uses GPmanager with it on the pc side. When I do it just sits there waiting with no action. How can i fix this, are there any other linking programs for windows?

Can anyone help, I'd like to try resurrect this card if possible. But first I need to be able to communicat to the gp32.

If a card has bad blocks is it knackerd forever?

Note: No write protect is on the SMC and I have put it in the right way :)

I greatly appreciate any help given.



PS I can send photos if required.
I'm using a card that has bad blocks, and it seems to be OK. Perhaps I'm tempting fate by mentioning that though! I'd recommend buying more cards - they're pretty cheap these days.

Do you have a USB memory card reader? That would be the easiest way to put things onto the card rather than using the gp32's link mode.
Jaw posted on Sep 5 2005 at 08:23 PM said:
best way to sort it is format the card. bad blocks are on nearly all cards. all the cards i have (about 12 cards) have at least 2 bad blocks.

Ok I'll get myself a USB reader.

Hopefully PClink will work in the mean time.

Otherwise I've got another card on order. Fingers crossed the actual gp32 isnt buggered.


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Woohoo pclink worked and ive got pinball dreams demo up and running.

Too bad GPManager doesnt work :(

All i want now is to figure out how to get pclink to make directories on the SMC card so the games will work correctly

Im so happy
Yeah, and for those who havent got a card reader and GPmanager doesnt work. Use pclink first to communicate, then use GPdrive its great, I must say the person who coded that is a legend. GPdrive is what I used to make directories when I couldnt work out how to do it.

Man how good is the GP32x! I cant wait for the GP2X then :P~