Smashgp! Oh My Lord... This Rocks.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
(been away for a while, just tried this)

The screen scaleing is excellent, the "picture within picture within picture" thing on the stadium level is absoloutely mind blowing, And I walk away with only a few minor gameplay (only one graphic) nitpicks after playing this.

1: hits seem to lack "oomph", I just don't have that "pause" and "slam" feeling of a power attack when I do one, and it takes over 300 percent to budge an opponant. But I eventually win :)

2: The physics for air time are a bit odd, knocking back and forth is spot on though.

3: I can jump and move in air while defending :D

4: No "time cap" on actions, so I can punch or star rod spam my opponant to death :P

5: while running, using an attack doesn't make you slide or stop.

6: The special attacks can be spammed pretty easily (namely mario's tornado)

7: (the graphic one) could a similar method to the picture within picture deal be used to see my opponant in a transparent circle with a coloured border once he goes offscreen?

Other than my petty nicking and pessimistic attitude, This is a solid work of programming and I applaud how it works so fast with so many things happening on screen :D
That's nice to read :)

I know there are a lot of playability issues, among other stuff... But I'll start working on a new version soon, with an update of the website, geepee32 versions and other stuff (such as Sakura).

But feel free to post those remarks on my forum, I'll read them when I start working on the 0.5 version.
you should make a label that can go on a SMC, it would be cool to get like an 8mb or 16mb smc and put a Smash GP label on it and say that they made a commercial smash bro handheld game for the GP32.
In the next version, can you disable the select button's ability to turn the light off on the blu units, so we can use it to jump and not lose our light. I know that the last version of the genesis emulator dr MD has this feature working.

great game.
The only dire issue I have is I have to get the opponant to 300 percent before he budges, but at 90 percent i'm a ragdoll :P

Still amazed at the graphics and physics engine work, I actually feel like it's smash bros, (only thing I could possibly ask for as an improvement after my nit picky fest? an option to have character arrows (that point to the top of your character) when the screen zooms way out so you can keep track of yourself, in 4 player free for alls I tend to get lost :lol:

And is it possible to somehow convert the pokeball items to Smash GP? Those were always fun to throw around and cause some havoc :D
In the next version, can you disable the select button's ability to turn the light off on the blu units, so we can use it to jump and not lose our light. I know that the last version of the genesis emulator dr MD has this feature working.

great game.
I didn't know this was possible.
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