Smashed Screen


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
okay so i dropped my gp2x and it hit a steel corner, which broke the plastic above the screen :(
but luckily no real cpu or lcd damage was done

where can i get that repaired (i bought from play-asia and i don't want to repair it myself if i don't have to)


edit: i'm in the US
my sig IS the truth! :P
thanks guys, I knew that option but I'm a little scared of installing it (I'm so bad at that stuff I even fucked up the screen protector <_< )
can anyone shed light on installation?
Well, I had to open up my 1st edition to remove some dust that got in there during install (yesh, the 1st edition models required you to put the screen cover on yourself), so maybe that's your best bet .. just remove all the screws and pop open the sections, pop out the old cover, and place in the new one (it's got adhesive stuff on the outer edge), snap everything back together and you're done.

Or you could try to heat up the plastic cover GENTLY with a hair dryer to soften up the glue stuff and remove it that way.

Care is needed for either operation.
I bought a 2nd edition(a week before the MK2 came out, of course). And it required me to put my Screen protector on also. Of course I was in a hurry and it SEEMED all the dust was out. Of course when I started playing with it, pieces of fuzz and dust rared there ugly mark. SOOOOO....

What I did was ,I took it apart from the back. Once I got it apart, I went into the bathroom. Turned on the hot water in the bath tub and let it get a little bit steamy. Not so much that its dripping condensation, but just enough to keep the air dust down. I also had a can of air to help aid with the one or two pieces of dust that gave me trouble. Once I got all the dust out, I put it back together and have been dust free ever since.

If you don't want to take it all apart, you could take the top off using a hair dryer as TELCOLOU stated, that way you don't have to take the back apart.

Either way, I do recommend trying your best on making a dust free environment. The bathroom usually has less dust, and a little steam can help keep it down. Good Luck!

I just replaced my screen cover, its not that hard. I carefully pried the old one off with a small screwdriver (this ended up cracking the old cover, but it worked), if I were you I'd try the hair dryer first.

I then noticed a bit of lint in the middle of the screen. Rather than prying the screen cover back off, I tapped the GP2X against my hand until the lint lodged into a corner.
great thanks for all the help! :D
now I just have to get the credit card to go thru... <_<

edit: it went thru so it's coming in the mail!

also i talked to david at tech support (gp2xstore):
David Chau: So theres a hole in your screen panel

purple_goat: yeah

David Chau: YOu should be able to pull out the screen easier because theres some grip but it'll probably break into pieces

David Chau: Then on the border where all the sticky stuff is use a knife to take it off

purple_goat: how do put on a new screen panel then?

David Chau: The border of the screen panel has some sticky tape on it so it'll stay onto the GP2X

purple_goat: hmm okay so i should get the screen panel then take off the old one and the put the new one in place... easy as that?

David Chau: I don't know how easy it would be because I havn't actually dont it myself.

David Chau: But you should be able to take off the screen panel
as long as you are careful with the LCD

purple_goat: of course
I suggest you leave the sticky stuff on. My replacement wasn't very sticky-backed, and the stuff will just end up in the screen, which is NOT good.