Smaller Batteries?

You dare challenge my knowledge? This is preposterous :ph34r:
You should get a life, ALL OF YOU!!! :P
Fishbong said:
Well actually the Pandora weighs 3,35N and has a mass of 335g.
Where I am at the moment, it actually weighs 3.286N, but you might live on some *high* mountain where the gravitational constant is 10.0 N/kg so you might be right
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Yoyobuae said:
Higher = weaker gravitational pull

And just in case: "*woosh*" myself
You are right, but only if the mountain you're standing on is thin enough :P

....what were we talking about again?
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dflemstr said:
Fishbong said:
Well actually the Pandora weighs 3,35N and has a mass of 335g.
Where I am at the moment, it actually weighs 3.286N, but you might live on some *high* mountain where the gravitational constant is 10.0 N/kg so you might be right
I don't, but i hate calculating stuff. But just for you: It actually weighs 3,2843137254901960784313725490196N at sea level. And it would actually weigh less if i lived on that high mountain.

Now you made me sound all nerdy. Are you happy now?
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nikkopt said:
Pandora's battery is custom made

Not really, its just a Lion(or LiPoly, I forgot) battery, standard in most electronic devices these days, the only custom thing about it was the size and capacity, but the OP wants a smaller battery with less capacity, so it wouldn't have to be custom made.

MDave said:
Yes, I see that is what people are saying. I don't know enough to make my own battery, and I think the Pandora batteries have something special about them? :P But what's the harm in having more options, especially those that would also prefer it to be lighter too? I've tried carrying a PSP Phat and a DS original in my pockets and it definitely isn't comfortable. In fact they pull my pants down if I don't wear a belt! :P It's not just carrying around, but I would like it to be lighter so it feels more comfortable to play for longer periods of time. :)

I'm not saying make your own battery(that's quite dangerous and I doubt that most of the people here have the skills/time/materials to do that(I sure don't)). All I said was buy a comparable batter(smaller of course) from another store(I might be able to provide links if you need them). All you would have to do is hook it in(connect + to + and - to -), like putting in the battery on a cell phone or remote.
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emusan said:
nikkopt said:
Pandora's battery is custom made
.. the only custom thing about it was the size and capacity..

It's custom then. What i meant is that you can't find a battery that fits the case in any hobby website.
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Heavy devices may be good, but I'd much rather use my lighter PSP-2000 over my PSP-1000 over long gaming periods. Pandora's heavy, and a smaller and/or "non-battery" option would be nice. Since Pandora can't be used without a battery, I'd asked in some other thread if it'd be possible to have some kind of circuitry without battery cells we could just plug into the battery slot; a fake battery, essentially. I don't recall if I got a reply.

Most of the time I'd have the main battery in use, and certainly in for trips and such, but if I were developing for it at home I'd love a lighter alternative.
Threads like this are a fantastically poetic reperesentation of just how bored we have become whilst waiting for our Pandoras (the content of the threads that is, not the original questions)
Pleng said:
Threads like this are a fantastically poetic reperesentation of just how bored we have become whilst waiting for our Pandoras (the content of the threads that is, not the original questions)
Yep. A typical day in the queue.
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nikkopt said:
emusan said:
nikkopt said:
Pandora's battery is custom made
.. the only custom thing about it was the size and capacity..

It's custom then. What i meant is that you can't find a battery that fits the case in any hobby website.

Are you sure, whats the thickness? I'm think that the 2000mAh LiOn battery from Sparkfun would fit in there, and it should be about half the size/weight, if not, there are thinner ones on the internet as well. But you could definitely find one that would fit, as long as you don't mind losing some capacity. (link to sparkfun battery, I'm not sure on the thickness of the pandora one, but this is ~5.4mm).

keaft said:
oh cause I thought that nikkopt was implying that a whole new type of battery was invented for the project.
Apparently he thinks they did...
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emusan said:
nikkopt said:
Pandora's battery is custom made

Not really, its just a Lion(or LiPoly, I forgot) battery, standard in most electronic devices these days, the only custom thing about it was the size and capacity, but the OP wants a smaller battery with less capacity, so it wouldn't have to be custom made.

MDave said:
There are only 4000 first-batchers, and a bit more batteries. Making a smaller battery just for very few people just insn't worth it...

I'm not saying I want this option right now, I'm trying to see if it would be something the Pandora team would look into in the future at least. Also, that's a bit presumptuous to think only a very few amount of people would want this.

Besides making it lighter, it also gives the opportunity for modders to put something inside the battery compartment along side the smaller battery ;)

I think that would be reason enough for Open Pandora to even consider the idea, no?
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You could hack in a smaller battery but it would make the Pandora heavy on only one side, and it might also mess up the power gauge.

It does seem rather strange to do this though.
craigix said:
You could hack in a smaller battery but it would make the Pandora heavy on only one side, and it might also mess up the power gauge.

It does seem rather strange to do this though.

I was thinking reducing the batteries thickness and not it's width would solve that issue, or center the battery and use wire to wire the connections up.
Although I can't help but feel you have only read the first post why you may think this is strange. Like I said in my last post, the extra space gained with using a smaller battery could be uses for modding in something like a 3G dongle for example.

Dead1nside said:
I don't think it's necessary nor desirable.

Optional accessory. Why don't people read? >_<

S-r-ex said:
Six hour busrides with a smaller battery? Sorry, just no.

Obviously in that situation you would have the battery that comes with the Pandora and a smaller one. If you know your going to use your Pandora for 6 hours straight on a bus trip why take the smaller one?
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