
I love it, best read I've had in ages. Erm how often do you plan to release it, just I'm definately going to write an article but I need to know how long I have to reach issue 2.
Glad to hear that your enjoying it.
Its made the programming of it worth while... :D
(and it did take me blimmin' ages... i'm a n00b at this programming lark :lol: )

Anyway... i'm hoping to release one a month, all going well, so i'd say (guessing here) that you'll have until about mid-August to get your articles in by...

I'm aiming for a release maybe about the week of Mon 18th Aug. <_<

So now you've seen issue#1 you've no excuses for not writing something! ;)

All the best to all of you...
Do I need to have a text viewing program on my gp32 in order to read the articles? I could only see the pictures. When I chose the interview with yoyo it showed a blank page.
I actually don't even have a gp32 yet, so i haven't looked at Slander quite yet (I'm ordering a gp32 first thing monday, literally) but i've been keeping up on everything about it for almost a year.

I would love to write some GBA and PS2 reviews and news articles if ya don't mind.

I've been waiting to get a gp32 for months now :D
A damn fine read, i'll submit some stuff to you soon- you've inspired me to get off my lazy arse!

Do you think there might one day be a chance of inline graphics in the articles? that would make reviews really cool. Also if, you could incorporate a SID/modplayer that could play some good music for people while they read, (and help illustrate the article on C64 musicians i'm going to write).
Nice! A real good old diskmag like in the c64/amiga days! Actually it makes even more sense to have a diskmag on a portable system since you can read it anywhere!

Immediatly when I started it up I recognized the music, but I had to think about for maybe half a minute before I recognized it - Agony, one of the most impressive games (from a graphical standpoint) on the Amiga. Anyway, excellent music choice.

I did notice that you seem to have the memory-bug when going into text-viewer mode, the sound started to crackle. It's easy to fix, if you want some help, just let me know.

Very nice to see screenshots with the game reviews, a screenshot viewed on the GP32 gives a much better impression on what something will look like on the GP32 than viewing it on your PC! :)
i have tried to go to the url to download many times in the past 12 hours or so, and it keeps giving me this message:

Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/ne1net/public_html/myred/include/vars.php on line 32

I wonder if anyone has followed my directions for converting their GP32 to a home theater yet?
ive read earlier in the thread if you needed a text veiwer to view the articles and they were told to copy the folder on to the gp32 but when i try this it wont allow me to do so what am i doin wrong :huh:
Cool! I'm downlaoding now (from the second address). Are you gonna keep "back issues" on there to downlaod too, cos I don't come onto this site much, but if it's really as good as everyone says, I don't want to miss anything!