
Flack posted on Jul 11 2003 said:
I wonder if anyone has followed my directions for converting their GP32 to a home theater yet?
yes but i accidentally dropped the 37 inch monitor on the subway and it broke and now i have $2000 of wasted glass... :(

damn you and your mod!!!

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Would it be possible to have pictures in the text document (You could be reading the text and when you scroll down you could see a picture). I think this would be a good idea for reviews of emulators and games. You wouldn't have to read the review and then go back to look at the pictures anymore.
ok sence you have all read my article by now, i wanna try something a little different. I advice columb, but with the same attitude. So if you have a question (real,fake) then send it to the question can be about anything, and you don't have to tell me your name. Lets get started...