Show Youre Ds!!

Technically the only movies that'd have difficulty fitting into the PSP's supposed movie time is the Lord of the Rings movies being close to 3 hours each. Most movies top out at 2 hours or less.
Battery for movies is 3-5 hours , I only have 3 movies that are that long
you might want to rethik that last one
And are you going to play a game 12 hours a day or 4-6???
All the power you really need is enough to last the day untill you recharge at night
I dont know about you, but I have a life, and I dont play a game for 12 hours straight
Then again, you proboly dont have a life , are 13, and got the DS as a gift from your parents, so you proly dony have a life

Octavious -- remember when you first started posting here and everyone hated you? Well these sorts of responses are making you look like a cunt again -- in fact have you had lessons off Vimacs?
?? I dont seem to recall people hating me
and it was said that " If you hate someone, you actually hate something in that person that is greater than something in yourself " reflect on that
If you can find posts from the first of Feburary this year of people hating me, then ill belive you
and what about what I said was wrong sept for maybe the last line???
tell me son, I really want to know

it looks like shit man!
thers a huge gap inbetween the screens and its rendered like it not ther!!
its ugly as fuck!
and your eyes wont watch both of them 100% , the second screen is a failed gimick




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How can you say that the second screen is a failed gimmick when it has been out for less then a month ?!?!
I get the stupid cooling fan post.
Its because he said "so post some pics"
rather than "post some ds pics". It's
about specificness.

Ok, you seem to have a selective memory:

well, it seems I have pissed of a whole crap load of people
and , since I love the community so much and would like their help when I begin work on my own projects, and for the sheer sake many think I was a dickhead ( ok, so i was a little ...disgruntled ) , I am publicly apolgizing to any that I have offended.

and there you have it


It wasn't intended as an insult, just you seem to be alittle 'disgruntled' in many of your posts of late.

and it was said that " If you hate someone, you actually hate something in that person that is greater than something in yourself " reflect on that
-- reflected on it, although I wouldn't say I hate you.


I think the DS looks like it could be good if it gets the games it deserves, and I am tempted with one. But I will probably go for a PSP, its specifications look some tasty, especially if I can play backups at some point;) .
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No reply? Oh well I haven't had any problem with him. ;) ANYWAYS :rolleyes: ... Post pics of DS. since that is what this topic is named :) . OK got it Good. :D
i don't get the cooling fan and the lizard boy.

hehe fan+boy. good one, I have to remember that. Although the lizard kinda distracted fro the boy himself.

I wish there were some pictures of a group of people playing DS's in a multiplayer environment. Actually the web comic, Penny Arcade, was trying to organize something, maybe there;ll be pics on monday.
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he he remember that one now... right... :( :ph34r:
my bad :(
well, its just that I dont see the logic in the second screen
thats just me
sry, I think that waht to say
and I have played on one, thats why I said I know the controls are nice, just the games arnt gonna be, and I like nice lookin feature packed First Person Shooters
its just me , thats all ( maybe thats why I want to enlist so damn bad?? gov. brainwashing lol )
and while were on the topic of DS, I would like some pics of the first multiplayer ( with 16 people in it ) game and see how the system handles it and what the game looks like


( PS thanks for reminding me that , I do have .. uhh.. o hell.. shitty memory, like my old computer )
( PS PS I get the fan boy pick , although I thought it had something to do with the lizard )
( PS PS PS Have I really been pissy in my recent posts? If so, let me know, in all seriousness )
( PS PS PS PS ok, ill stop now, that last one was just for fun )