Should We Move? - Forum Transfer Discussion

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rokdcasbah said:
I do agree that the talk of mass exodus is a little premature, it's not like GP32X is the only one of these forums to begin with, after all. All that's really happened is that the OP forums added other's not like any of the GP32X mods have stepped down, unless I missed something.

The real problem is not the apostrophe bug, which can be pretty easily eliminated, nor even the link bug, which is annoying, but I agree: not a reason for a mass exodus. The problem is that Hando has been completely unresponsive for months - leaving us with not only a few annoying bugs, but without recourse in the event the boards go down - which is not an unlikely occurrence. (I personally predict that the next outage will occur when the first Pandora reaches the hands of a customer, though the Wiz might do it too.) After all, they were down for days when pre-orders for the Pandora started. Has anyone even communicated with Hando since then?

There is no reason not to use these forums in the meantime, but IMO it's also worthwhile to make people aware of the other boards, and to be prepared for the possibility of this site simply disappearing.

One thing that hasn't been addressed - would it be possible to import the member list from here into the old forums, such that new users can't take the name of someone from here who hasn't registered yet? I realize that (at least without the DB) it would be virtually impossible to make sure that people registering under those names were actually from here, but at least we could cut down on accidental collisions, and administrators could probably sort out any cases of actual malicious intent.
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1) Is the focus going to remain on Gamepark devices? It really seems like the Pandora will be the center attraction and I think that is a mistake.

2) What about the software archive? Are you going to host ALL of the software that is currently hosted on I have asked multiple times in the forums if there was a dvd or something that could be downloaded for just such a problem. Please make sure that this software isn't lost. When the Qlink service was terminated and the service changed to AOL, a huge C-64 archive was forever lost and I would hate to see that again.

3) The knowledge base. Will the forums be transfered to the new board so that all the information can be searched?

4) Will our usernames be brought over and original dates kept in place so we know who has been around a while and who has not? I've been part of this community for 5 years.

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I think the point here is the house is crumbling around us already, why stay when it's clear that the owner isn't taking an active role anymore. I'm as thankful to Hando for creating this place as anyone can be, This was the first site I ever found with discussion about the GP32, it's where I found the vendors who were actually selling it AND the GP2x for that matter.

But there comes a time when a person running a community eventually tires and the mantle has to be passed on to someone else if he's not going to step up. From the sound of things he hasnt and With new devices comeout out it makes more sense to commit resources to a site with people who ARE active and ARE trying to keep things moving foward. No one else has the Keys to this place and if the person with the keys isnt home it becomes a place that vandels target. If someone hacks the site and replaces every graphic with Penises how long would the place last then, especially when you cant even get links to work or even get into the code of the site to remove them?

Sure it seems a little hinky to have people who run a company make the new site, but they're some of the most active people in ANY open handheld community and they're trying to help in a way that not only benefits them and their own new product but also benefits EVERYONE.

Personally, with the offer being made to move to greener pastures where a person can actually click a link and have it GO to the place linked instead of an error screen and having to copy/paste every link, I think this will be my last post here for the foreseable future unless I find something in a current thread I'd like to reply to. For the most part I think it's simply time to go despite the memories and enjoyment the place gave birth to. I dont leave here lightly I wish the place could be saved but there doesnt seem to be any way for that to happen if Hando chooses not to do anything about it.

I will make one suggestion for the new place here before I go, if it's going to be a site for OPEN handhelds lets leave the PSP and DS out of it for goodness sake. Sure GBAX and other sites still do coding competitions for these handhelds but, there are boards for those devices specifically and we dont need to bring the bickering and annoyance that accompanies being thwarted by companies that have every right to defend their devices. I'd support an "other handhelds" sub forum but not one with specific subheadings for development and such as it's just going to bloat the place ridiculously.

Anyway, that's it for me, I hope to see as many of you at the new place as were here at the old... crumbling, nearly condemned place. I'm gonna take one last look around and see if there are any bits I need to (figuratively) toss in my crate before I put on my hat and head out the door.
Software archive is on, ED's website. And, take note, it's pretty well maintained and has little downtime
'atomicthumbs' said:
We need to save the original thread(s) about the Pandora.

Perhaps somebody could try to contact Hando once more and ask for a database dump?
You know, this really pisses me off.
This website is not about pandora, or at least not just about pandora. Look at the name of the domain will you?
Not or or

What is there of any value in the pandora threads? Nothing. Not one useful thing. Historic value? Maybe. No help files, no fixing of problems of documenting certain pieces of software or anything like that.
Now in the GAMEPARK portions of the board is the collective knowledge of the community, including betas of some stuff. Unbricking instructions etc...

I am not attacking you personally, just the idea. This is not and has never been about the pandora. It's a gamepark website. And to imply that only the pandora threads, which contain NOTHING but stupid surveys and speculation and just junk, have anything worth saving is just anger inducing.

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christo930 said:
'atomicthumbs' said:
We need to save the original thread(s) about the Pandora.

Perhaps somebody could try to contact Hando once more and ask for a database dump?
You know, this really pisses me off.
This website is not about pandora, or at least not just about pandora. Look at the name of the domain will you?
Not or or

What is there of any value in the pandora threads? Nothing. Not one useful thing. Historic value? Maybe. No help files, no fixing of problems of documenting certain pieces of software or anything like that.
Now in the GAMEPARK portions of the board is the collective knowledge of the community, including betas of some stuff. Unbricking instructions etc...

I am not attacking you personally, just the idea. This is not and has never been about the pandora. It's a gamepark website. And to imply that only the pandora threads, which contain NOTHING but stupid surveys and speculation and just junk, have anything worth saving is just anger inducing.

Will you shut the fuck up? the fact is that he wanted to salvage the pandora threads FOR THE PANDORA. if you or anyone else wants to go about the rest, that's fine, but it's a fucking independent effort.
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'PoisonedV' said:
'christo930' said:
'atomicthumbs' said:
We need to save the original thread(s) about the Pandora.

Perhaps somebody could try to contact Hando once more and ask for a database dump?
You know, this really pisses me off.
This website is not about pandora, or at least not just about pandora. Look at the name of the domain will you?
Not or or

What is there of any value in the pandora threads? Nothing. Not one useful thing. Historic value? Maybe. No help files, no fixing of problems of documenting certain pieces of software or anything like that.
Now in the GAMEPARK portions of the board is the collective knowledge of the community, including betas of some stuff. Unbricking instructions etc...

I am not attacking you personally, just the idea. This is not and has never been about the pandora. It's a gamepark website. And to imply that only the pandora threads, which contain NOTHING but stupid surveys and speculation and just junk, have anything worth saving is just anger inducing.

Will you shut the fuck up? the fact is that he wanted to salvage the pandora threads FOR THE PANDORA. if you or anyone else wants to go about the rest, that's fine, but it's a fucking independent effort.

You missed the whole point. Who cares about the pandora threads, there is nothing in them.

What information of any real value is in the pandora threads?
In the gp32 and gp2x threads there are things of real value, especially if the user community dries up and new users who get the machines via second hand need help. They can search the archives. The only thing anyone could say about the Pandora threads is that some of them might have historic value. But even then it would only be a few of the threads. Most of what is in the Pandora archives is NOISE.

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I really don't like this.

May I suggest that the "replacement" forum be locked until the moment that this forum actually does crumble? If there has to be a switch, I would rather that it be quick and only made once truly necessary.

Also, the replacement forum has far fewer forums than this one (only one forum per console), so it's currently not as useful.

I think that the first thing the people proposing this should have done is put out a message about the situation and resolved for one final push to try to contact Hando. Maybe if there were more people trying, we would succeed in contacting him and persuading him to help with this situation.
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christo930 said:
'atomicthumbs' said:
We need to save the original thread(s) about the Pandora.

Perhaps somebody could try to contact Hando once more and ask for a database dump?
You know, this really pisses me off.
This website is not about pandora, or at least not just about pandora. Look at the name of the domain will you?
Not or or

What is there of any value in the pandora threads? Nothing. Not one useful thing. Historic value? Maybe. No help files, no fixing of problems of documenting certain pieces of software or anything like that.
Now in the GAMEPARK portions of the board is the collective knowledge of the community, including betas of some stuff. Unbricking instructions etc...

I am not attacking you personally, just the idea. This is not and has never been about the pandora. It's a gamepark website. And to imply that only the pandora threads, which contain NOTHING but stupid surveys and speculation and just junk, have anything worth saving is just anger inducing.


You seem to have some kind of vendetta against the Pandora itself, or its developers. You're almost completely wrong, however. The new forums seem Pandora-centric now because they were set up by the Pandora's developers - who also sold the GP32 and GP2X, don't forget, and will be the primary Western distributors for the Wiz as well - during the time when these boards were down because of traffic from the Pandora pre-orders. So it's only natural that the board experienced an influx of Pandora people, and if this site goes down, the new site has sections for GPH consoles, and the community, if it is as vibrant as you suggest, will certainly move there in that case.

Now, on to the next point. You don't think that any of the information in the Pandora sections is worth saving? The Pandora is the spiritual successor to the GP2X: a Linux-based handheld game console. Not just that, but it takes the greatest strength of the GP2X, the ability for anyone to write games and applications for it entirely unrestricted, but adds more versatile controls, cutting-edge hardware, and essentially unprecedented battery life for its performance. And it never would have been possible - it never would even have occurred to anyone to create such a device! - without this community. That is truly remarkable. GPH never had any idea, it seems, that their handheld would be so popular outside Korea, and their attitude has been, in general, detrimental with respect to hardware and software problems. The Pandora reproduces the successes of the GP2X, with none of its weaknesses.

So yes, I think the documentation of the creation of the Pandora is useful. Its entirely unique origins, philosophy, and development assure it a place in gaming history.
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May I interrupt this flamewar to present something of interest?

I've finished my archiving tool. Here are a few different threads backed up into XML format with it, tell me what you think:

The message node can be decoded into full HTML by passing it through PHP's html_entity_decode, and the dates are stored in Unix timestamp format.
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'Tom`' said:
'christo930' said:
'atomicthumbs' said:
We need to save the original thread(s) about the Pandora.

Perhaps somebody could try to contact Hando once more and ask for a database dump?
You know, this really pisses me off.
This website is not about pandora, or at least not just about pandora. Look at the name of the domain will you?
Not or or

What is there of any value in the pandora threads? Nothing. Not one useful thing. Historic value? Maybe. No help files, no fixing of problems of documenting certain pieces of software or anything like that.
Now in the GAMEPARK portions of the board is the collective knowledge of the community, including betas of some stuff. Unbricking instructions etc...

I am not attacking you personally, just the idea. This is not and has never been about the pandora. It's a gamepark website. And to imply that only the pandora threads, which contain NOTHING but stupid surveys and speculation and just junk, have anything worth saving is just anger inducing.


You seem to have some kind of vendetta against the Pandora itself, or its developers. You're almost completely wrong, however. The new forums seem Pandora-centric now because they were set up by the Pandora's developers - who also sold the GP32 and GP2X, don't forget, and will be the primary Western distributors for the Wiz as well - during the time when these boards were down because of traffic from the Pandora pre-orders. So it's only natural that the board experienced an influx of Pandora people, and if this site goes down, the new site has sections for GPH consoles, and the community, if it is as vibrant as you suggest, will certainly move there in that case.

Now, on to the next point. You don't think that any of the information in the Pandora sections is worth saving? The Pandora is the spiritual successor to the GP2X: a Linux-based handheld game console. Not just that, but it takes the greatest strength of the GP2X, the ability for anyone to write games and applications for it entirely unrestricted, but adds more versatile controls, cutting-edge hardware, and essentially unprecedented battery life for its performance. And it never would have been possible - it never would even have occurred to anyone to create such a device! - without this community. That is truly remarkable. GPH never had any idea, it seems, that their handheld would be so popular outside Korea, and their attitude has been, in general, detrimental with respect to hardware and software problems. The Pandora reproduces the successes of the GP2X, with none of its weaknesses.

So yes, I think the documentation of the creation of the Pandora is useful. Its entirely unique origins, philosophy, and development assure it a place in gaming history.

I don't have anything against the Pandora or it's creators. What I don't like is the systems that this board was created for in the first place be given a back seat to a system that doesn't even exist. To suggest archiving the pandora board and not the gamepark stuff just seems stupid. I hope the Pandora is wildly successful. I would love to see an open source game system do well. I really love my gp32 and my GP2x and I hope I will eventually have a pandora, but in the meanwhile, I think the gamepark devices have more in the archives than the pandora.

What really gets to me is that there are a lot of people on this board who don't own any of the systems that the site supports. There are many people who were attracted to the board for the Pandora and they couldn't care less about the gp32 or gp2x. Most of them have never even seen a gp32 or gp2x and they dis it and point out how much they don't like it. I am not saying everyone, but there are a large number of Pandora fanboys who don't have any gp system and to have them relegate the GP archives to the bit bin just gets under my skin.

I also don't want to see the knowledge base lost. Imagine if someone buys a gp32 or gp2x on ebay and all of the knowledge in the archive is lost? Who will help them? What if I have a problem with mine at some point in the future? I would hate to see that knowledge lost, especially to lose it to the pandora archives which contain NOTHING.

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'christo930' said:
'PoisonedV' said:
the fact is that he wanted to salvage the pandora threads FOR THE PANDORA. if you or anyone else wants to go about the rest, that's fine, but it's a fucking independent effort.
You missed the whole point. Who cares about the pandora threads, there is nothing in them.

What information of any real value is in the pandora threads?

*attempting to strike a tone of moderation*

As someone working on a pandora app, I'd say both are useful. I've got multiple threads of game idea and testing data for my Pandora game here. And I made reference many times to the GP2x dev forums in working on my app. Devolving into a "Your console threads are worthless, while mine deserve preserving" gets us nowhere.

All of this is moot. I'm pretty sure the whole lot will be preserved regardless of this less than neighbourly shouting match.
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'christo930' said:
To suggest archiving the pandora board and not the gamepark stuff just seems stupid.
did they ever say that they were going to archive only the pandora board?

chip said that they were going to modify the site to make it better and that included leaving a spot for the gamepark forms.

i would think they would try to back up all of the forms if they could
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'christo930' said:
'Tom`' said:
'christo930' said:
'atomicthumbs' said:
We need to save the original thread(s) about the Pandora.

Perhaps somebody could try to contact Hando once more and ask for a database dump?
You know, this really pisses me off.
This website is not about pandora, or at least not just about pandora. Look at the name of the domain will you?
Not or or

What is there of any value in the pandora threads? Nothing. Not one useful thing. Historic value? Maybe. No help files, no fixing of problems of documenting certain pieces of software or anything like that.
Now in the GAMEPARK portions of the board is the collective knowledge of the community, including betas of some stuff. Unbricking instructions etc...

I am not attacking you personally, just the idea. This is not and has never been about the pandora. It's a gamepark website. And to imply that only the pandora threads, which contain NOTHING but stupid surveys and speculation and just junk, have anything worth saving is just anger inducing.


You seem to have some kind of vendetta against the Pandora itself, or its developers. You're almost completely wrong, however. The new forums seem Pandora-centric now because they were set up by the Pandora's developers - who also sold the GP32 and GP2X, don't forget, and will be the primary Western distributors for the Wiz as well - during the time when these boards were down because of traffic from the Pandora pre-orders. So it's only natural that the board experienced an influx of Pandora people, and if this site goes down, the new site has sections for GPH consoles, and the community, if it is as vibrant as you suggest, will certainly move there in that case.

Now, on to the next point. You don't think that any of the information in the Pandora sections is worth saving? The Pandora is the spiritual successor to the GP2X: a Linux-based handheld game console. Not just that, but it takes the greatest strength of the GP2X, the ability for anyone to write games and applications for it entirely unrestricted, but adds more versatile controls, cutting-edge hardware, and essentially unprecedented battery life for its performance. And it never would have been possible - it never would even have occurred to anyone to create such a device! - without this community. That is truly remarkable. GPH never had any idea, it seems, that their handheld would be so popular outside Korea, and their attitude has been, in general, detrimental with respect to hardware and software problems. The Pandora reproduces the successes of the GP2X, with none of its weaknesses.

So yes, I think the documentation of the creation of the Pandora is useful. Its entirely unique origins, philosophy, and development assure it a place in gaming history.

I don't have anything against the Pandora or it's creators. What I don't like is the systems that this board was created for in the first place be given a back seat to a system that doesn't even exist. To suggest archiving the pandora board and not the gamepark stuff just seems stupid. I hope the Pandora is wildly successful. I would love to see an open source game system do well. I really love my gp32 and my GP2x and I hope I will eventually have a pandora, but in the meanwhile, I think the gamepark devices have more in the archives than the pandora.

What really gets to me is that there are a lot of people on this board who don't own any of the systems that the site supports. There are many people who were attracted to the board for the Pandora and they couldn't care less about the gp32 or gp2x. Most of them have never even seen a gp32 or gp2x and they dis it and point out how much they don't like it. I am not saying everyone, but there are a large number of Pandora fanboys who don't have any gp system and to have them relegate the GP archives to the bit bin just gets under my skin.

I also don't want to see the knowledge base lost. Imagine if someone buys a gp32 or gp2x on ebay and all of the knowledge in the archive is lost? Who will help them? What if I have a problem with mine at some point in the future? I would hate to see that knowledge lost, especially to lose it to the pandora archives which contain NOTHING.


As has been pointed out the archiving effort is community based, so if you believe there is valuable information being overlooked perhaps you should point it out or help in the effort by archiving it yourself. Instead and yelling and whining.
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'christo930' said:
I don't have anything against the Pandora or it's creators. What I don't like is the systems that this board was created for in the first place be given a back seat to a system that doesn't even exist. To suggest archiving the pandora board and not the gamepark stuff just seems stupid. I hope the Pandora is wildly successful. I would love to see an open source game system do well. I really love my gp32 and my GP2x and I hope I will eventually have a pandora, but in the meanwhile, I think the gamepark devices have more in the archives than the pandora.

No one is suggesting that we archive the Pandora information and not the GP/GPH console information. If it's possible to archive one, it's possible to archive both. You're assuming bad faith here.
'christo930' said:
What really gets to me is that there are a lot of people on this board who don't own any of the systems that the site supports. There are many people who were attracted to the board for the Pandora and they couldn't care less about the gp32 or gp2x. Most of them have never even seen a gp32 or gp2x and they dis it and point out how much they don't like it. I am not saying everyone, but there are a large number of Pandora fanboys who don't have any gp system and to have them relegate the GP archives to the bit bin just gets under my skin.

I also don't want to see the knowledge base lost. Imagine if someone buys a gp32 or gp2x on ebay and all of the knowledge in the archive is lost? Who will help them? What if I have a problem with mine at some point in the future? I would hate to see that knowledge lost, especially to lose it to the pandora archives which contain NOTHING.


I don't own any of those systems. I have not said anything bad about the GP2X, and I have never seen anyone who doesn't own one saying anything negative (of course, I don't spend a lot of time in the GP2X section - I used to, before the Pandora was officially announced). Still, no one is arguing that there is no important information in the GP/GPH sections. Quite the reverse, in fact - as I pointed out, the Pandora would not exist without the GP2X. What I take issue with is your continued attempts to portray the Pandora sections as worthless, and its proponents as ignorant newcomers who want to trash the history of this place. All atomicthumbs mentioned is that he felt the development history of the Pandora should be preserved, not that it should be preserved at the expense of the rest of the site - which would be a nonsensical request.
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Tom` said:
I don't have anything against the Pandora or it's creators. What I don't like is the systems that this board was created for in the first place be given a back seat to a system that doesn't even exist. To suggest archiving the pandora board and not the gamepark stuff just seems stupid. I hope the Pandora is wildly successful. I would love to see an open source game system do well. I really love my gp32 and my GP2x and I hope I will eventually have a pandora, but in the meanwhile, I think the gamepark devices have more in the archives than the pandora.

No one is suggesting that we archive the Pandora information and not the GP/GPH console information. If it's possible to archive one, it's possible to archive both. You're assuming bad faith here.
'christo930' said:
What really gets to me is that there are a lot of people on this board who don't own any of the systems that the site supports. There are many people who were attracted to the board for the Pandora and they couldn't care less about the gp32 or gp2x. Most of them have never even seen a gp32 or gp2x and they dis it and point out how much they don't like it. I am not saying everyone, but there are a large number of Pandora fanboys who don't have any gp system and to have them relegate the GP archives to the bit bin just gets under my skin.

I also don't want to see the knowledge base lost. Imagine if someone buys a gp32 or gp2x on ebay and all of the knowledge in the archive is lost? Who will help them? What if I have a problem with mine at some point in the future? I would hate to see that knowledge lost, especially to lose it to the pandora archives which contain NOTHING.


I don't own any of those systems. I have not said anything bad about the GP2X, and I have never seen anyone who doesn't own one saying anything negative (of course, I don't spend a lot of time in the GP2X section - I used to, before the Pandora was officially announced). Still, no one is arguing that there is no important information in the GP/GPH sections. Quite the reverse, in fact - as I pointed out, the Pandora would not exist without the GP2X. What I take issue with is your continued attempts to portray the Pandora sections as worthless, and its proponents as ignorant newcomers who want to trash the history of this place. All atomicthumbs mentioned is that he felt the development history of the Pandora should be preserved, not that it should be preserved at the expense of the rest of the site - which would be a nonsensical request.
I didn't really get this either- I wanted a gp32, got a gp2x, and im waiting on both the pandora and the wiz- I think they are all noteworthy and uh... Kind of lost my train of though, but you see where I was going (well, I hope. I don't)
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It kinda seems weird to me that the main, supposedly un-biased forums would be run by the two major sellers of the Pandora and their PR guy.

But that's just me.
Alright, I know that I have about no credibility in what I'm about to say, seeing as how this is my first post on the site, but I hope that people will agree with me and I can help. I've been using these boards for about a month or two now, and I admit it was because of the Pandora. I actually just recently placed an order for one, but I will not hold a position of bias for the Pandora. A while ago I did consider buying a GP2X, but never had the money/never thought it worth buying over the hacked PSP I already owned.

First I would like to point out, and I think most will agree, that this forum is "on its death bed", there is no doubt about it. I have seen forums like this die and have watched the owners struggle to salvage what they can from the mess that is left behind, saving what they can and starting from scratch. (For any PSP owners, this is what happened to There is no doubt in my mind that this site will eventually collapse in on itself, and at that time it may not even be savable. But I do understand those that are reluctant to change, and those that are offended by Chip (and the other Pandora guys) asking people to move to the new forum. I agree that they have no right to do this. But, at the same time there is no choice. If Hando was working on fixing the site, or still obviously supported it, then I would be upset. If Hando openly was upset with Chip and everyone else doing this, I would be upset. But, by the looks of things, he is no longer maintaining these forums. By making these new forums, and urging people to move to them, they are doing what is best, even though it looks bad. They have no other choice.

Those complaining that the new board is geared towards the Pandora, and that it shouldn't be. I am with you on this, I am ordering a Pandora myself, but I still agree. But, they have stated that they are changing the name and redesigning the forum. I'm extremely confident that the forum will not surround the Pandora, but will have room and consideration for all the systems-- the GP32, GP2X, Pandora, and any other open system. Like what has already been said, they are working on changing the site, and I'm sure if you voice you opinion, they will take it into consideration. This is a strong community, and its members wont ignore other member's opinions in a matter as large as this, I'm sure.

I also agree that not only the Pandora stuff should be archived. I don't even own a GP2X, but was still a little annoyed by those who specifically pointed out saving the Pandora stuff. Even if they didn't imply that the GP2X and GP32 stuff shouldn't be saved, I agree it should all be saved. The best possible choice is to move the database from this site to the new one, and that has been attempted. But, by the looks of things, it will not be possible. Everything on this site deserves to be saved, I'm sure there are many users here that will hate seeing it all disappear, but when it comes down to it, there is nothing that can be done. All attempts are being put forth to have everything saved when everything is said and done, but people can only do so much (without database access at least...)

Now here is my biggest fear. I don't want the community to be split in two by this. This is what I'm afraid of. I may not be an active member of the community, but maybe that is why I can see that there is a chance of this happening. I'm not asking everyone to move, it is your choice. But if you choose to stay, do not hold any sort of grudge against those who did. Please, don't label the people who moved as the "Pandora fanboys" and the people who stayed as the loyal community members. This is the fastest way to destroy the great community that is here (and believe me, after dealing with the PSP community, and its forums-- this is a very nice community). In my honest opinion, this movement is needed. It probably would have been better to wait until the new forum was fixed up to be more aimed for all open-source consoles, and not just the Pandora, but that will be done. Even if the people making the Pandora are making the forum, they are members of this community too. I'm extremely confident that they won't "stab you guys in the back" and make the forum aimed for Pandora.

As I've said, I understand why so many people are upset, but this is something that must be done. These forums will eventually die, unless they get the support they need from Hando. It's true that we don't know when it will die, but all you have to do is browse the site for a couple minutes before you notice the bugs. And these are the least of your worries, this forum is "on its death bed".

Thanks for putting up with what I've had to say, I hope you guys agree with me, or at least understand where I'm coming from. :)
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sullrosh said:
did they ever say that they were going to archive only the pandora board?
Not "they"; one person said the Pandora stuff needed to be backed up, implying that it was more important than everything else. Christo spoke out against that single person, trying to point out the arrogance of the statement. Everyone following seemed to lambaste him over that opinion.
He was a little crass in his execution, but what he says is true: suggesting that the Pandora discussions are more important than anything else does seem quite arrogant. There is, however, merit in both types of discussion, and suggesting the Pandora threads have no value is just as arrogant.
Personally, if it weren't for the GP32 threads, I never would have stumbled onto this forum and thus wouldn't have learned of the Pandora when I did. Of course that's a moot point anyway: the Pandora discussions couldn't have existed without the previous console discussions anyway.
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Nova said:
It kinda seems weird to me that the main, supposedly un-biased forums would be run by the two major sellers of the Pandora and their PR guy.

But that's just me.

You didn't notice that they also sold and supported the GP32 and GP2X, the Wiz, and the various other consoles to which this site is dedicated?

Not to mention that ED also hosts the GP2X File Archives, which, in addition to his store, have a much better track record in terms of reliability than GP32X?

Why should there be any bias? They sell the Wiz, they sold the GP2X and GP32, they sell the Pandora. How do you think this supposed bias will manifest itself?
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