Should The Gp2x Be Bought?

Kyalami posted on Jul 11 2006 at 04:13 AM said:
Well, all in all, thank y'all for giving me your replies on those old questions I put up. I want to get a GP2X as of now, but I have to wait until I can save up 200 bucks (probably more since I'll have to buy an SD card). Hope my enthusiasm about it doesn't die until then!

P.S.: I don't NEED, repeat absolutely NEED an SD Card reader for the SD Card itself, right? I can just copy files onto it throught the GP2X, right? What are the downsides to not having the Reader? File corruption?

Also, would a game like CT Special Forces (the PSX version [yes, there was a PSX version released, that, I'm sure of], not the GBA version(s)] run on the PSX emulator? And also, what about the port of Duke Nukem 3D that was made for the PSX (just in case I can't get the interpreter running)? Maybe the Medal of Honor games?
I know I'm asking for a compatibilty list here, but I haven't seen the specs for these games. Just asking.

Honestly don't buy this for PSX. It is very slow and you will be pissed if you buy it for that. The games you mention are very 3D graphics intensive and aren't going to be very playable, and never will. You would be better off with a PSP that has PSX at full speed from Sony. I don't know what they will charge per game but they will be full speed.

You don't *need* a card reader but it is very Sllllllllllllooooooooooowww without it. Besides readers are like $10.00-$15.00.
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Can I be a newb for a second too? (Don't answer that)

Why is it that SNES emulation is so slow? I mean, Forget PSX, and N64! let's focus our efforts on the 2d platforms first! GBA and SNES are both quite slow iirc.

Oh and, maybe someone can help me with this, But I would love to learn to program for Devices like the GP2X and stuff, it's kind of my dream.. I mean I would start with simple things first but I would like to know where you'd begin from the very beginning, which route I would take to learn what I need to be able to do this stuff. sorry if I sound like an idiot but I feel this is a legitimate question! How steps do I take to learn... btw I am 15 (16 in a month)
i second davec don't buy it for psx or n64. buy it for everything else, it's so worth it. i just played samnmax and day of the tentacle the whole day and its just great. theres so much stuff you can do really. and this thing keeps you busy because every day something new and cool is coming out.

AND you can still check the psx, n64 and gba threads daily and maybe (if we're lucky - and yes davec i know it's very unlikely) we will see a great psx and a good n64 emu someday.
DaveC posted on Jul 11 2006 at 04:44 AM said:
Kyalami posted on Jul 11 2006 at 03:37 AM said:
Not as far as programming and hacking goes, but I know how to handle a bunch of operations! For example, I get realyl old stuff running on my XP all by myself sometimes! I mean computer geek in terms of basic "do you know how I can copy something to CD-R", or "how can I get this GB/GBC emulator running" (which I learned how to run all by myself, though I read pretty much because I read through the instructions on the website. Sorry!

That is ok. I hear this N64 question so much that I just freak out, as to me the answer should be so obvious. If someone would just go to the wiki and look at the N64 hardware, then look at the GP2X hardware, and have a basic understanding of how an emulator works they would have their answer. The answer would obviously be "no fuckin' way"

That said I think you would like the Gp2X for other emus just don't put too much hope on PSX or N64 emulation.

Even though there IS a PSX emu it will only get so good until it hits the hardware limit. This limit will mean that most games will be unplayably slow with sound but a few could be "OK" without sound, but never be full speed, full framerate, with sound.

Now, I am the first to admit I know jack shite about the technical side of consoles - But surely there are not enough buttons on the GP2X to be able to play many N64 games anyway? I used to own one and recall games which used the D-pad as well as the stick - and not to mention the trigger button.
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well for the buttons you could use the gp2x's l and r triggers as the n64's z and r trigger, the start and select button on the gp2x as a and b buttons and the normal control buttons on the gp2x for the c buttons. you'd have a near perfect n64 layout then. the stick would be the n64's stick and the volume control buttons would be start and select.
evilmegaman posted on Jul 11 2006 at 07:14 AM said:
Oh and, maybe someone can help me with this, But I would love to learn to program for Devices like the GP2X and stuff, it's kind of my dream.. I mean I would start with simple things first but I would like to know where you'd begin from the very beginning, which route I would take to learn what I need to be able to do this stuff. sorry if I sound like an idiot but I feel this is a legitimate question! How steps do I take to learn... btw I am 15 (16 in a month) ;)

You'll need to pick a language, though. Probably best to go the C/C++ route and read up on SDL.
There are some great SDL tutorials around and you can get a simple image viewer running in a matter of hours.

Best bets: Use a PSU and USB cable with both samba client and server running on the GP2X. With this setup you can run the binaries over telnet on the GP2X but from the PC (saving copying them over every time).
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evilmegaman posted on Jul 10 2006 at 07:14 PM said:
Can I be a newb for a second too? (Don't answer that)

Why is it that SNES emulation is so slow? I mean, Forget PSX, and N64! let's focus our efforts on the 2d platforms first! GBA and SNES are both quite slow iirc.

Oh and, maybe someone can help me with this, But I would love to learn to program for Devices like the GP2X and stuff, it's kind of my dream.. I mean I would start with simple things first but I would like to know where you'd begin from the very beginning, which route I would take to learn what I need to be able to do this stuff. sorry if I sound like an idiot but I feel this is a legitimate question! How steps do I take to learn... btw I am 15 (16 in a month)
SNES and GBA emulation: They have a bundle of custom chips which are very hard to emulate but provided most of the 'power' for the custom (eg MODE 7).

Where to start: Depending on your preferences and learning style, the 'start' point can vary. Some will start with a point and click game maker like program to get a feel of development. The most common path at the moment is to use scripting/procedural languages such as python, pascal, basic, fenix(?) or lua(?) because the syntax is easier to learn so they can concerntate on the programming concepts. The remainder just jump off the deep end and dive straight into Java/C#/C/C++.

Start small and learn the language and basic programming concepts (on the PC), most beginners will go from:
Text based stuff -> Text based RPG/Game -> Snake/Tetris clone in the cmd console -> Learn a graphics API (SDL/OpenGL/DirectX/Allergro) -> Break out/Pong/Asteriods clone -> etc.

You really shouldn't start developing on any console without a reasonable grasp of the language first otherwise you be jumping off the deep end with no water in the pool.
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Kyalami posted on Jul 11 2006 at 01:13 AM said:
P.S.: I don't NEED, repeat absolutely NEED an SD Card reader for the SD Card itself, right? I can just copy files onto it throught the GP2X, right? What are the downsides to not having the Reader? File corruption?
You absolutely NEED a card reader if you plan on using a larger than 1GB SD Card. The GP2X simply doesn't see past 1GB if you access the card directly via the USB connection. You can get a card reader for 3 bucks shipped worldwide here:

I bought mine there, though it still hasn't arrived so I'm using my dad's reader for now.
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i will start making everyone mad as hell for this noob questien, how well does GBC GBA and SNES NES emus go on Gp2x? i am a big zelda freak! with big FREAK!

i play gb, gbc gba, and snes and watch movies on my mobile Nokia N70, they all runs at full speed exept the snes emu, its faster then 60fps on some games and slower on others, Zelda for the SNES emus runs at 55-60 fps(and that is a guess cause its like playing it on my laptop)

like i said i am a total zelda nerd freak and want to play it on the bus trains, and long car trips, and wanted to hear how playable it will be to play the Zelda for SNES and GBA on the Gp2x.

that is not the only thing that i will do with it, watch movies and hear mp3 see pics on it, and try to homebrew for it.

if SNES and GBA emu runs zelda fine, they dont need to be fullyplayable with sound, i will sell my DS and buy the Gp2x when my next paycheck comes :D
Kyalami posted on Jul 10 2006 at 10:13 PM said:
Well, all in all, thank y'all for giving me your replies on those old questions I put up. I want to get a GP2X as of now, but I have to wait until I can save up 200 bucks (probably more since I'll have to buy an SD card). Hope my enthusiasm about it doesn't die until then!

Cool, but I don't know if this has been mentioned to you or if you seen it in the million other posts but you will need a good set of rechargable AA batteries. Some people try it out with Alkalines and it will die within 5 minutes with cheap ones. I have 4 2500mAh Nickle metal hydrate(NiMH) batteries and they last for 5 hours plus playing SNES. I would say that it would be more important than the card reader as you could get away without one with most cards until you can purchase one(just make sure the SD card is compatible on the wiki).

ReSSeR posted on Jul 11 2006 at 08:08 AM said:
like i said i am a total zelda nerd freak and want to play it on the bus trains, and long car trips, and wanted to hear how playable it will be to play the Zelda for SNES and GBA on the Gp2x.

I've been playing a link to the past for snes on my gp2x, sound doesn't work and when its on the game is slow. So I shut it off and the game is full speed IMO I haven't checked the frame rate but I've played it on SNES and GBA and it plays just as good. Some places have weird effects though like some of the game layers are missing but its not noticble in 95% of the game so far.
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Paulo Becker posted on Jul 11 2006 at 06:22 AM said:
Kyalami posted on Jul 11 2006 at 01:13 AM said:
P.S.: I don't NEED, repeat absolutely NEED an SD Card reader for the SD Card itself, right? I can just copy files onto it throught the GP2X, right? What are the downsides to not having the Reader? File corruption?
You absolutely NEED a card reader if you plan on using a larger than 1GB SD Card. The GP2X simply doesn't see past 1GB if you access the card directly via the USB connection. You can get a card reader for 3 bucks shipped worldwide here:

I bought mine there, though it still hasn't arrived so I'm using my dad's reader for now.

Cool, I checked it out and you're right: only 3.00 USD. Do they sell the SD Cards there too?
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ReSSeR posted on Jul 11 2006 at 02:32 PM said:
ok thx man, i will buy it when my paycheck arrives :D

Actually I have finished every zelda game on the gp2x, from the NES to the GB to the SNES, and they all work really well.

However some people seem to be confused about which version of Squdgesnes to use. I use reesy's version that he released recently that has the battery monitor mod disabled, and that runs it full speed with the default options.

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SNES emulation is coming along nicely, but it's not fullspeed, yet. The GBA emulator isn't even beta yet. It will be a while before you can even test it. PSX emulation isn't at a playable speed yet, except maybe a few odd games.

Right now, DrMDx (Megadrive/Genesis) and HU6820 (TG16) are both full speed. MAME runs most of the .34 romset. gngeo (NeoGeo) runs pretty much full speed.

It's a great media player, but it's limited to specific formats.

My advice:
Get a GP2X, a card reader, a SD card, and some 2500mah NiMH batteries. If you don't get one of those items, you'll wish you had.

I can't stress this enough: Only get a GP2X if you're happy with what it can do right now. Don't buy it because it might do something in the future.
LordFu posted on Jul 11 2006 at 05:40 PM said:
SNES emulation is coming along nicely, but it's not fullspeed, yet. The GBA emulator isn't even beta yet. It will be a while before you can even test it. PSX emulation isn't at a playable speed yet, except maybe a few odd games.

Right now, DrMDx (Megadrive/Genesis) and HU6820 (TG16) are both full speed. MAME runs most of the .34 romset. gngeo (NeoGeo) runs pretty much full speed.

It's a great media player, but it's limited to specific formats.

My advice:
Get a GP2X, a card reader, a SD card, and some 2500mah NiMH batteries. If you don't get one of those items, you'll wish you had.

I can't stress this enough: Only get a GP2X if you're happy with what it can do right now. Don't buy it because it might do something in the future.

thats great! i can wait for the GBA or never get to play it, i dont play much Megadrive roms but will, and MAME i can come to do it soon! thx for the feed back.

how about cheats and hacked roms? can i play hacked roms on the GBC emu, the NES and the SNES?

EDIT : forgot to add : is there different languges with the Gp2x like danish?
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BobBorakovitz posted on Jul 11 2006 at 07:29 PM said:
yes, translations, patches, and other romhacks work just the same as any other rom, just copy it to the required folder.

ment the Gp3x device :P
if its translated to other languges
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