Shenmue 3 Kickstarter has begun

While you're here writing about how much you hate Shenmue, I will go play some of Shenmue2 disc3 :D

I agree that Shenmue is slow and doesn't control very well, but the ambiance is great in that game. It is an adventure.
Oh the controls are as much the fault of the Dreamcast's crappy single analog stick as anything else. It's weird playing a character with a turning circle- maybe in the first iteration of the game he was an adorable human-sized bus?
Try playing it on nullDC with xbox360 controller. Control is better with dual analog remapping, I think.
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Is that even possible? I sometimes wonder if I should just offload my DC collection- it's not huge, but it's another couple of tubs of clutter!

I love the VMU though- spent far too long trying ( unsuccessfully so far ) to read/write them via an Arduino. The Maple Bus protocol is painful.
I remember adoring shenmue and playing it endlessly till completion, but I'd imagine some elements have aged somewhat. It is slow paced or requires degrees of patience, something I lack these days. I'm gonna fire up shenmue 2 sometime soon and try to replay it. I hope my memories are not tragically dashed on the rocky shores of intervening time.