Shenmue 3 Epic gamestore exclusive


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Jan 15, 2004
The Netherlands
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It was announced Shenmue 3 will come to pc but as an Epic gamestore exclusive.
As a gamer I understand the game needs funding and Sony and Deep Silver provided this.
So I guess it's logical funding from Epic will also make it an exclusive on the pc side (console is ps4 exclusive).

As a backer for the game I think it's a bit annoying as I wasn't counting on it being an exclusive on pc, especially since Shenmue 1&2 are already sold on steam and not in the Epic gamestore. I can get Shenmue 1&2 for xbox but also not part 3 as it's sony's ps4 exclusive.

What do you guys think: it's not an issue or it's a weird move just before release of the game?
I don't have a computer right now, so I'm not really in the know, but it seems like we'll all have to give up and join Epic eventually.

Do they still have no Linux support? Probably doesn't matter too much. Linux people are better at running Windows software than Windows people.
Backer perks for PC were Steam keys (likely not technically legally binding, but still)... and if you go that way for money you clearly didn't need the Kickstarter.

I don't even care about valid arguments for the Epic Games Store anymore. Everything surrounding that thing is icky and shady as hell. No thanks.
I really don't like that Epic store.
One launcher for everything is so nice.
And I won't play any PC game except for strategy that does not support the Steam controller