Shall I Sell Mygp2x For Psp?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Omar-Nawaz
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Right. You said you could swap the PSP, or save up for a PSP. Since PSP is more expensive than GP2X, I would say swap and then save up for a GP2X?
yeah it's me..I've been banned or hacked in to my other account...really anoyyin me...i think it was that PSP-INTRUDER guy that just come ono out the blue last night..anoyying guy...I WANT MY ACCOUNT BACKKK AHHHHH!!!!

*make me moderator for 4 minutes!*

annoying a dude thats gonna be playing with the insides of your psp IS NOT a very clever idea

get off this forum go play your psp ill think ill go play indiana jones
another stupid thread about the psp...

if you need others to make up your mind for you then you should definetly get a psp as it requires little to no brain power to operate, which sounds about right for you

where the heck are all the moderators?
paradox...i think theres a moderator up ur ass

omar... give my account back....who are u...why have u hacked in my account

PSP is cool...who sed u need no brain to operate it?u gp2x FREAKS
MODS kill this guy off as well as that other psp intruder they are both the same guy

Kirandeeep lay off the crack dude what have i told you about that nasty stuff :P
KILL OMARNAWZ OFF... i was the user of that account and now some idiot who jerks off every day as taken control...MODS BAN HIM...or give my password back!!!
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