Shall I continue STCTG?

Yay or nay?

  • 1. Yes

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  • 2. No

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OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
Well because of Uni and a few house changes, I haven't progressed much with this game at all but I have noticed a steady increase in visits to the site. After reading through all of my comics again after returning home from Uni for Xmas, I've kinda rekindled a bit of passion for it again.

Basically I just need to know if anyone still gives a damn, so if you haven't taken a look then go here then tell me what you think.

You're time will be greatly appreciated.
Er no it isn't sorry, thats why it's in off topic, and why I said Visit the site. Thanks anyway. Although I was working on a Sonic Archive (full of pics and sounds) for the GP32 but I gave up on that ages ago....I'm simply not good enough at coding.
yeah it sounds like a great idea to me...... and the screen shots look promising. If people are still interested and you still think you maybe interested, then why not? :D

btw- like the new avatar, Twimfy! :)
Thanks, nice to have a bit of support. I think I will continue with it but It'll be a while before I do (probably feb, once I get my new Uni schedule). Improvements since those screenshots are a new skin for Sonic (that one was done in paint believe it or not!) and 4 other characters.
That's quite impressive what you've done so far, this seems to be quite a big project!

I may well give it a try if it ever becomes playable. :)

That site is now one of my bookmarks.
Esn posted on Dec 20 2003 at 05:40 AM said:
That's quite impressive what you've done so far, this seems to be quite a big project!

I may well give it a try if it ever becomes playable. :)

That site is now one of my bookmarks.
I'll update the site soon, it's not up to much in terms of looks I know but it gets the job done. My news board is screwed too.

At the moment the game is unplayable other than testing the movements of the characters on a black map, the characters are all I'm focusing on right now seeing as there are about 200 + to model and they require quite a bit of imagination seeing as I'm translating from comic drawings with a limited number of polygons.
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Evil_Cartman posted on Dec 22 2003 at 04:47 PM said:
What kind of game is it?
3rd person action/adventure affair. All depends on how flexible the engine turns out to be and also how diverse I can make it without getting bored.

Think Sonic Adventure with less polish but a better and longer story line.
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