Sensible Soccer...

Bonks posted on May 22 2003 said:
Another thing too is megalomania (also by Sensi), now this game uses the mouse right, but when the title screen comes up you cant get past it... which is fair enough, dodgy image i have maybe, but the second you hit the JOYSTICK, you get the usual flashing screen effects and its all but crashed completely.
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stickofjoy posted on May 22 2003 said:
oh well. :(

ps: jeff at nice avatar. i love Futurama. take a look at a game i made a while back:

Nice! haha!

I really loved Futurama.. broke my heart when they canned it :( I've got the series 1 DVD pack.. can't wait for the rest of them.

I think I'm goiugn to scour ebay looking for a Fry figurine :)

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Bonks posted on May 22 2003 said:
lol, just noticed you had finally got yerself an avatar :)

Futurama is great, i saw the very first one longggg after they actually started and was hooked right off, went out and bought series 1 on DVD :D (got Series 2 for Xmas off my girlfriend :lol: )

but, yeah, back to the topic... i didnt understand a word you said there Jeff (about the buttons), but does it mean you MAY have an idea how to fix these Sensi games or am i getting excited over nothing? :)
Is series 2 Futurama out? (North America)? I'll run out and buy it right now (I mean right *now* :) if it is..

I was only replying to the above, about how buttons work. I dunno if it would have anything to do with Sensi or not. It would make Xenon 1 and Turrican easier though, I think.

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stickofjoy posted on May 22 2003 said:
Bonks posted on May 22 2003 said:
Is series 2 Futurama out?
unfortunately Jeff it seems it isn't out in the US

dare you mean that the UK actually got something first????? :blink:

a US made thing too???? :o

hahaha, i feel so proud :P
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Bonks posted on May 22 2003 said:
dare you mean that the UK actually got something first????? :blink:

a US made thing too???? :o

hahaha, i feel so proud :P
Well hardly a new thing (although still rare). Both Buffy and Angel series boxsets came out in th UK before the US.
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