Last Ninja, Chaos Strikes Back & Dark Castle


Mar 9, 2003
Ok here are three more games that are causing me problems:

- Last ninja: The game load fine, but when I try to Kick or Punch, it doesn't work (quite problematic since a good part of the game revolves around fighting). Any idea why this is happening ? I am using the Joystick: I press fire & a direction to hit, but to no avail...

- Chaos Strikes Back: I start a new game by loading disk 1, going into the prison, selecting my heroes & saving (I tried to load the saved game disk & the save was indeed successful). Then I start disk 2 (Utility disk) & click on make new adventure. The program asks for a saved disk, I insert the .SAV disk & the program keeps telling me there is no save on the disk (while I have already made sure the saves were on the disk).

- Dark Castle: I load the game fine up to the main menu, but the game automatically goes into demo mode & I found no way of actually playing the game.

If anyone can provide any help, I would be very grateful.
Thanks in advance,

ldaneels posted on May 11 2003 said:
- Chaos Strikes Back: I start a new game by loading disk 1, going into the prison, selecting my heroes & saving (I tried to load the saved game disk & the save was indeed successful). Then I start disk 2 (Utility disk) & click on make new adventure. The program asks for a saved disk, I insert the .SAV disk & the program keeps telling me there is no save on the disk (while I have already made sure the saves were on the disk).

You could use a PC emulator (Steem or moron) ,create and save your characters and check if all is working. After that, use your savegame disk with Casteway.
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I have spent a few hours trying to get Chaos Strikes Back to work, but to no avail.
I remember it was a pain to start a game with the original, but this shatters all records...
Here is what I do:
- start disk 1, select 4 characters & save to disk (a disk I have created with moron - I have verified the disk & the save appears in the workbench.
- start disk 2, select "make new adventure", insert (save disk) & get into the character menu. Cool, everything works fine so far...
- But this is where it gets ugly: then I click on "make new adventure", but I receive a message stating that the program "can't find new adventure"

To clarify things, I have the original manual so I am fairly sure of what I am doing (well, obviously not so sure since I can't get it to work correctly), even though the manual is atrocious.
I am glad progress has been made in the ease of use department since 89. This is probably the single worse install procedure I have ever seen. The problem is that I don't have much choice & really to play the game.
Can anyone help ? Skeezix, master of all things DM ?

I've not actually tried CSB yet; I had hoped to play through DM before going to CSB :)

Lets ask The Wub; hes already on dungeon level 7 or 8 in DM, so hes getting through fast :) (all on the GP32!)

Whats sick is you coudl do it on the GP32 and on the PC (in emualtion) or on a real ST, since its the same save file :)

skeezix posted on May 12 2003 said:
Whats sick is you coudl do it on the GP32 and on the PC (in emualtion) or on a real ST, since its the same save file :)
talk about portable gaming! :o
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