selling gp32!!!!!


Still Fresh
Mar 7, 2003
I'm selling my gp32. condition of my gp32 is like brand new, screen "covered with shield" never been takein off.i have everythings( cover box, usb cable, manual). i have 2games( astonishia story, therapy), and 128mb selling it for $160 us shipping charge in USA (except hawaii and Alaska). i accept credit card via paypal and money order. if you guys are interested e-mail me
Why is everyone selling gamepark? keep it, theres some great games coming out for it this year!!
as i said to that robmoore dude, is there any perticular reason for selling it? this is not what i want to see when im considering buying one!, and it puts othere people off too!
The GP32 is a great device if you like to fiddle about with stuff and play retro games but aint the hand-held to go for if your only a hardcore gamer who just wants to "plug in a cart and go".

So lets see.........

GBA - For Kids
GBA-SP - For Big Kids
GP32 - For Big Kids who like to tamper with stuff and play a huge back catalog of stuff ;)
No wonder he wants to sell it, he doent have clue what the games are saying, he bought therapy and ASR. :D
All those out there who think lots of people are suddenly getting rid of their GP32.....don't worry about it. I assume the GP32 isn't for everyone....some people are to lazy to really work with their GP32 and explore the possibilities it can muster, therefore they take the dull boring route of getting a GBA SP....and spending a fortune on repeated games and boring peripherals.Then when all the GBA games come out, the system dies, And the gamers are stuck. While others want to see just how far they can push the GP32 to its limits using there Computer knowledge, and the knowledge of others to make rather extraordinary applications and Games. For Example (GPEngine EMU)
So on a final note....If you want a GP32 expecting to have a library of boring remade games at your disposal...then your made the mistake of thinking the GP32 was a GBA....Its Not.......Its actually better...because the Fans of GP32 decide the final outcome of the system... not the company.

Phewww...boy I feel better already....I am glad I got that outta my system.
:blink: Anyone who cares to challenge this opinion...I am ready...
I can compare this with Microsoft Vs Linux type battle which rages on to this date!
you can't diss the GBA calling it 'boring and dull..', it's great, a wonderful portable system with lots of great games. and the emulator/peripheral scene is great for it too, it's relatively quiet lately but a lot has been done and plenty more will be coming too - anyone who watches the boards semi-regularly can tell you that.

the GP32 has an edge 'cause it ill give you even more opportunity, it's got so much more power and a few people have started to really harness it. Sadly, the thing that will kill it is that it's barely able to make a dent in the scene and will never be appreciated for what it can do. The fact that it's a bitch to set up doesn't help too much, but that's not what will condemn it. You just can't compete with nintendo in the marketplace! Even sony and microsoft aren't trying. Why would a little tiny Korean company should succed, no matter HOW powerful their hardware is.

But who cares. For me, and many of the folks on this board, GP32 is a potential which is finaly being realized right now. I love old-gen games, and the opportunity to play them wherever (and with relative ease, after it's all set up!) and with such wonderful presentation is too much to resist.
Sure it sucks that because of the tiny scene, so many people who could contribute to the development won't because of that (or aren't even aware of it!!). We could already have a complete SNES emulator, Genesis, atari, better Mame etc if there was more exposure and contributors in the scene. But what there is, is already pretty damn spectacular (if all development stopped today I would still want one just as badly!) and for that it makes it worthwhile.

GBA is a great system, made so much better with it's new design. Especially when compared to it's EXTREMELY aged, lackluster predecessor. I still am happy to have it to play oldschool NES games on (again, that's worth it for me, as it's superior to GP32 in that aspect.. for now). If GP32 could encompass all the GBA does, then I could sell GBA. Likewise if it's the other way around. In the meantime, it's not too much of a stink in the wallet to afford both.
I apologize if I offended any GBA Gamers out there. My opinion is my opinion alone. I suppose what I was trying to get across is that...most of the Nintendo games now days are mainly rehashed remade redone games from the great NES system. It doesn't impress me for a company like Nintendo to allow remakes on a Handheld..which very well could publish great Tons of New Original games.
I personally have waited for a system to appear where I don't have to worry about reharshed ideas or "Ok , been there, done that." (If you know what I mean).
I love playing original NES games on my GP, and Love playing some of the playable SNES games....but what it comes down to is the immense pleasure and excitment I get from playing games that are new and refreshing coming from Fans and Amateur developers and coders of the GP32.
Yes both GBA, and GP32 are great doubt about that. But For me *I can not speak for others* Most video games in the world are all the same. Until you see a system that has a ton of potential (untapped) and watch as Hardcore Gamers make something unique out of something thats is so unknown to most of the world. GBA is a great system like Gamecube, and PS2 and Xbox, but out of all those ...Only one system little handheld stands above the rest as far as potential, individuality, fan anticipation, and dedication of loyal gamers and amateur developers... thats the GP32. Again...its my opinion.....I stand firm B)
You see - what we need here is a gba emulator, so that all the people debating between a gba and gp32 will have a "no brainer" type answer! I myself am hoping that one gets made that'll prove that this is THE SYSTEM TO HAVE!

I myself bought the gp32 because it just kicks ass to be able to play all my old nes games and all the pc engine games that I missed back in the day. I'm really hoping that all the people working on emulators get them completed and running smoothly as this is kinda the reason why I bought the system.

I'm hoping that more companies join in on the fun and start making games for the gp32 - I myself am planning on making original games for it too!

The system has great potential and I can't wait to see what craziness it's fans have planned in the future.

So, get to work on the gba and megadrive (hehe had to throw that one in!) emulators made! :)

thanks <<gets off soapbox>>
Finally, gba emulator will help people decide
hey that's cool TJF, no offense taken, just a little friendly conversation (and counterpoint)

I agree with you, it is kinda sucky that there are sooooo many "me-too" games flooding the market - and that's the way it's gonna be, as the games industry becomes more and more like the movie industry. And to wrap it up in a nutshell - 15 years ago, games didn't have nice graphics/fx to sell them, they couldn't compete with movies and other entertainment on such a level, gameplay was all they had! Things had to grab you on that level, otherwise the whole idea 'interactive entertainment' would have dried out long ago. Nowadays, it seems innovation and novelty take a backseat to flash and dazzle, competition for ultimate expression of an idea (best football game, best racing game, best RPG, best GTA type of game, etc etc etc). And enough companies have popped up and spent the money in it all (and sold enough numebrs) that that's hwo the field's gonna continue to play for awhile. Okay, who's getting off the topic!

the point is, a system like GP32 is great cause it's so rough - the 'native' gaming opportunities it offers (software designed for it) are as me too as anything else, but as a retro/homebrew device it definitely shines, and I guess I'll say it ALMOST gives the GBA a run for it's money in that department. If GP32 had the same backing and potential in the marketplace, it would certainly be the top dog but as it is now it's definitely got numbered days. Which is fine as it's plenty powerful and still available, and again I say there's enough going on with it for those of us willing to give it a chance and plunk down some dough. It's just a damn shame that it's base is so small, but I won't go down that alley again, I am sure I made my point above (wasted potential due to inexposure).

In the end, let me say I am happy with GP32 as it is, I couldn't ask for anything more and I think it's worth the money for those who know what to expect of it (like me - or so I think!) Meanwhile all we can do is try to spread the gospel and maybe more people can pick up on this little wonderful doohickey...
hey i would be interested in buying it ill have to talk it over with my girl (just got in a car wreck yesterday oops but its their fault and they didnt have any insurance) i want to make sure she is ok with it and if we can afford it
Why do people sit around waiting for emulators to come out? I've always wanted to program (that's how I found GP32)... But I always ended up finding what I wanted... Tsk tsk, right? :)
Anyway, my point is, don't sit around and wait for the software to come to you! Anybody willing to learn can program! I'm about 3/4 the way through my "C++ for dummies" now!
In a few weeks, I'll have a bunch of cool palm apps... Then windows... Then... Yes... GP32!!! Woo hoo!! That's why I bought one. Developer friendly. So, hey, once I actually figure out how to apply C++ to video game production, I'll whip up a site, and y'all can test my software! Woo hoo!! Sounds exciting, dont it? :P
More people are coming to the gp32 everyday and people are leaving! sheesh, at least one must be a super-programming dude with super-programmer beard and can program some uber cool stuff for the gp32

Good job, and well said. Gaming Corporations need to change the marketing mindset of the games they produce and publish. I personally like innovation, rather than the flash and dash of today's graphically entertaining games. Oh yeah, (Just so you know) I have a GBA also, so GBA and GP32 can live in Harmony, at least in my room anywho. I just prefer the GP32...what can I say, everyone has a preference. I am just trying to understand why anyone would want to sell their GP32. Unless they were flat broke and needed to pay the bills or something... ;) So I am wit you Ralph99 good, discussion


Your right also, what would really grab the attention of hardcore gamers out there is a GBA emulation. Even though emulation on any system is never 100%.... it would be quite a novelty to have on a system that I find is the most versatile in today's gaming industry.