Selling Gp32 Nonflu


Nov 3, 2003
I am selling my gp32 non-flu

it is in decent condition, i sanded around the analog the best i could so the diagonals work when the analog is pulled out slightly

it can overclock to 166 mhz easily (yes it was one of the lucky ones)

included with the gp32 non-flu are

-cd with useful things like games, games, and games (pm for more info ::wink::)
-two 128 MB smart media cards (1 sandisk and im not sure what other is)
-usb cable
-GBA carrying case

i have been using this unit for about 2 years and think its time for me to get a better one, and i do not need too many smc's anymore

i can accept payment through paypal, just pm me with offers

if you want pictures, i can e-mail pictures

oh, and aquafish's multifirmware is installed on it