Sega Is Capitalizing On Old Games!

That would be well cool ;)
But there's one of those things you connect to the TV already and it has like 4 games on it. And that guy who makes portable consoles managed to turn it into a fully working megadrive :o
Anyway. Nice find ;)
Sounds to me like "Asian toy source" is trying to copy the Revolution's idea in a more portable form.

I supsect it'll work like this:

System 1.
Lets you buy 10 to 20 (out of a possible 50 or more) games from a website, Install them to the system to play via TVout as you would the already well known TVGame controller collections.

System 2:
Similar in the same sense but only with a built in screen!

It's certainly not a bad idea, especially since Sega isnt doing much of anything with these old titles.

It'd be especially nice if they had a Saturn or DC version!
screw the handheld. make a console that plays SMS, MD, Saturn, and DC games all in one. Oh and re-release Panzer Dragoon Saga. I would buy that thing in a heartbeat. I dont give a shit if it died the next day, at least I wouldnt be paying 200 bucks for PDS.
I'm usually the first to encourage the old favorites (sega/nintendo) to step back into TV games, but only so many people in their market haven't played sonic/mario to death already.

What we need are new, *original* 8/16-bit era games for these systems. If a new mario game, for example, is released on an interchangable cart TV-game console for $50, it would probably net as much profit as whatever half-baked, crazy idea Nintendo's comming up with now and cost a small fraction to develop. guess which one the nintendo fans would actually be happier with...
I dunno. seems to me the GBA has that pretty much locked up tight. Besides this is sega's property. Nothing wrong with them licencing it out if they dosent want to spend the money to set up the inferstructure to handle game downloads.
Turning those little machines into MDs?
Wish I knew enough about electronics to attempt something similar.

Don't see the point of them generally though, you can get a real old mega drive with a bunch of games for something silly like £30 these days.
screw the handheld. make a console that plays SMS, MD, Saturn, and DC games all in one. Oh and re-release Panzer Dragoon Saga. I would buy that thing in a heartbeat. I dont give a shit if it died the next day, at least I wouldnt be paying 200 bucks for PDS.

PCs can do all that...

Interesting turn of events, I'm doing a research paper on SEGA. This'll be a nice little addition at the end, in the secton, "SEGA Ain't Dead Yet!"
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PCs arn't all as portable. So a handeheld that emulates DC and Saturn with a nice size hard drive to hold a few ISO/IMGs would indeed be quiet sweet if someone were ever able to make it happen. The GP32, 2X, and PSP already seem to handle the cartridge based systems well enough.

Some people I know like to say Sega IS dead just because Sammy owns them now. Aside from the distribution of a few sequels like Gaurdian Heroes advance and Gunstar Super Heroes and publishing the Guilty Gear games they really dont have much going for them, they're not really directly involved in this new handheld they're just collecting licencing fees on the games it will use.

Maybe they arn't dead but it certinaly sounds like a "life support" situation.