Sega Genesis Emulator For The Gp32? And, Questions


Still Fresh
Apr 8, 2004
Does anyone know how much a GP32 is going in North America, instead of say ordering from Lik Sang?

When do you think we'll be able to get a Sega Genesis emulator for the GP32?

How do we keep the GP32 from dying, it seems like a great idea. However, it would have been perfect if it had a way to connect to a TV? S-Video out?

What are you thoughts on the GP32 stayin power? Will it be here for many years to come?

Firstly you will have to import a new GP32 as they arent sold in the US, they are just about to be released in Europe though :).

There are already genesis emus for the GP32 although they dont run at full speed and the best one (fgen) doesent have sound.

The gp32 wont die as long as it has homebrew support, although many of the main developers have slowed down a little so I dunno about this. And the GP32 has been out for a few years although as I already said its about to be released in Europe so if that goes well it will be around longer and maybe we will get the gp64 (the next version).

- PinkSpider -
I love em both, but I gotta say the Genesis version is the better. I would love to play the SegaCD version but dont understand Japanese for squat :P
If your planning to purchase a gp primarily for genesis emulation, then your mostly SOL. The truth is, genesis emu is pretty poor on the gp and not nearly as developed as say snes emulation (so far). Lik-Sang is pretty good at delivering to the US, but you could just as easily go with gbax or redoctane. As far staying power goes, well thats anyones guess. The fact that its being released in Europe is a good thing, but god forbid the thing flops there we're kinda screwed.Of course, No one in this community wants to see it go. I believe the system can probably eak out an extra year or two life wise, but the beauty of the gp is its open ended-ness; you could do just about anything on the damn thing (I don't see myself ever stopping to screw around with it). So its mainly a matter of what you are looking for. Hope that helps.
Just look at the Dreamcast, years after it "died" (I dont consider it dead), there are still many many people making homebrew for it, and even some very few making commercial games for it still! (Thats years after the manufacturer quit making it)

triksR4rabits hit the nail on the head, we have genesis emulation, its just a bit to slow and no sound to be enjoyable. It doesnt seem like its being activly worked on like the snes emulation is, so no one knows if we can expect another version anytime soon.
nice octavious
there aren't that many working gp32s on ebay for that cheap

there easier than flash linkers though
i seached for them on ebay and got like nothing
Ebay can be great sometimes, with loads of good GP32s for sale, but often there's very little. Luck of the draw I suppose. Jsut make sure you ask plenty of questions first!
Rlyeh is supposedly still working on his emulator, and a week ago Loridan said he was planning on orting Generator to gp32. We can see how those turn out
Efompor posted on Apr 11 2004 at 02:28 AM said:
Rlyeh is supposedly still working on his emulator, and a week ago Loridan said he was planning on orting Generator to gp32. We can see how those turn out
If this is accurate its made me very happy indeed :) The mighty genesis on the gp :D
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diablo2 posted on Apr 8 2004 at 11:39 PM said:
nice octavious
there aren't that many working gp32s on ebay for that cheap

there easier than flash linkers though
i seached for them on ebay and got like nothing
You have to search for the right thing. B)

Try " GBA Flash "

There will be at least 20 of them.
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rlyeh was trying to port Generator last year. he said it was too "strange" and ditched it, opting to port Genesis Plus (I believe) instead. and tha't's as far as he got.. I have stopped holding out hope to see Genny on GP (more than we've got, anyway) but it still would be... kickass!!!