Sega Genesis


Nov 30, 2003
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When do you think we will have a decent speed genesis emulator? I would like to play my favorite Sega Genesis games without feeling like I'm in the Matrix. :P
i zardoz still working on genemu. if so is there any chance in a wip, so long since anythings been said. I was just looking back at _counter's old post and it made me remember how much i wanted a sega genesis emu b4 it was released. I was gullable enough to half believe him.
zardoz has done some excellent work in this scene but he's been very quiet over the past year or so - I am not expecting to see an update of his emulator anytime soon.

supposedly he helped rlyeh with speeding up his 68k core for the fGen/fMame emu's, I expect we'll see those surface eventually.

also, in light of yoyo's new project, maybe he (+ his group) will pick up the torch next - who knows! It's hard to say - the group of emu developers in this scene, although prolific (damned prolific!) is still pretty small so that means we have to wait a bit of a while in between high-profile releases, such as a Genesis emulator.

Zardoz, Skeezix, Black - are any of them still officially involved (developing) in this scene, I wonder? (I don't watch the dev. forums so I am not too up-to-date I guess)
ralp99 is on the ball. ZardozJ is supposedly lending his core code to Rlyeh, or some tips, but nothing has been heard yet.
Hey all, im extremly sorry about the cp my scanner broke i just as sad i wrote that thing for a month and it wuld take forever to type, by the time i would get it done nobody would be interested anymore , and i moved to austalia, i lost my gp32 on the L.A to Adelaide trip so you will rarely see me on here.
Just so you guys know some of gp32's best coders converted to the zodiac, If any one cares ill give the sorce code of my metalslug2 project that failed because 12 people left.