Sega Game Gear And Atari Lynx?


Still Fresh
Aug 7, 2009
Chico, CA
I was wondering if the Sega Master/Game Gear emulator for Wiz has been abandoned? I really am hoping someone is still working on it, and getting it fullscreen for SMS and GG. The latest WIZ fw update seemed to clear up the tearing a little bit. But I really am hoping that Game Gear will be made full screen.

Also, has anyone heard anything about an Atari Lynx emulator in the works?? That would be amazing! Especially if it were done well with full screen support!

Post in reply to this if you want to see these things done!
I still have my old Atari Lynx, haven't played it in years. I'd love to have an emulator for the Lynx that works on the Wiz.
Have a read of this thread

Sounds like Notaz could add it to his emulator..

Were the games not exactly the same for SMS/GG?
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As someone who never had a chance to play one, but always lusted after it, I'd dearly love a Lynx emulator .. so count it in as "yes please, me too" vote.
didn't skeezix do a rather crude wiz lynx emu a few months back?

yeah, here it is. I didn't dream it this time!

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Thanks carlgeorge, I completely missed that. Don't know how good it is but it's better than nothing. Now I just wish someone would port a Java emulator for all the cool games I have on my phone.
carlgeorge said:
didn't skeezix do a rather crude wiz lynx emu a few months back?

yeah, here it is. I didn't dream it this time!

I would'nt use that. It will blast your speakers across the room and there is no volume control. It is also very slow.

It would be nice if the GP2X one was ported as it was almost perfect on there. Unfortunatly Tuskenraider2K is not doing Wiz stuff and no one seems to have any desire to port Lynx yet. I guess we can hope..
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