Daz_Genetic posted on Mar 10 2004 at 07:45 PM said:
I never judge a handheld till I'm holding it in my hands. I would have been the first to think that a korean handheld was a bad idea. But look at it now.. it has a great following. The gametrac has some great features, and with the emphasis on GPS, it could open up a whole new style of gaming. Who knows what the future brings, but since I collect handhelds, the more the merrier. I can't get enough of them.
Well, I'm just glad you've given it a go Daz. If you do head off, thanks for the effort!
Personaaly I love handhelds, but even if I had others, this would still be my community of choice- it's generally very friendly. I'm looking forward to the PSP, and developing for it,we will hopefully be getting dev kits in the next couple of months, and if my NDA permits i'll tell you all about it
I think the gametrac looks nice, but all that power for a postage stamp screen has annoyed me. Would I run my PC/Amiga on a 10" screen? would I hell. I hope they change that.
Zodiac is lovely, but I already own a PDA, i'm not going to pay a premium for those functions, and i'm loath to part money with a machine that is not much faster than my 166 GP.
DS? who knows, Twin screens and CPU (both ARM, one at 66mhz one at 33 I think) intriguing what they might come up with...
Anyway, there is no reason to abandon one machine in favour of another, they all have similar architectures/CPU's it's just amatter of trimmimg functions/resolution for the less able

(Zodiac and GP, once the gametrac and PSP arrive...but I don't think the PSP will be open source)