Sega 32-X


Still Fresh
Sep 15, 2009

Support for the Sega32-x would be brilliant, I know there's few games - but titles such as the classic Virtua Fighter would be spectacular! Perhaps the people behind the great picoDrive/port will add it in the future!?!

The 32X is a beast to emulate. Even on PC's, It's only recently become available. It's not just a matter of slapping some extra features onto a working genesis emulator, it's a whole slew of new processors that need to be emulated on top of a Genesis. And with more processors comes an exponential increase in the amount of work the host system has to do to emulate it. Notaz (the dev currently working on picodrive) says in this post that it may be possible, but don't hold your breath, a year or more is a long wait.

BTW, searching is good for you. It builds character and strengthens your soul. :)
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The 32X had mainly crappy games or pimped Genesis versions. If you are into beat em ups, go grab Mame. I think the time and effort to get 32X run on the Wiz would be wasted.
Having "mainly crappy" (Your opinion not mine.) games is no reason not to emulate any system. I could say the same thing about a lot of systems, and it would be entirely my opinion. The 32X has it's fair share of gems, considering how small it's library is.

The op isn't looking for just any beat 'em up. He's looking for Virtua Fighter, which won't be running on the WIZ's MAME anytime soon.
The 32x version of Virtua Racing is pretty damn good, better than the Genesis/megadrive version. Worse than the Saturn version which is about as Arcade perfect as it can be in my opinion. But then again all is relative ;-)