Sd Card Spring Clickety


Jul 31, 2008
I haven't been able to tell from the videos. Does the Pandora have one of those spring-loaded click sd card readers that you push in and they pop back out, or will it be more like one of those, put it in and hope you knock it loose kinda readers?
Zotty said:
Judging by the sound it makes in one of the video, I'd say yes.

lol yes doesnt really anwser the question i think by the videos it shows its a sprint loaded unit
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It's springliaded like mad and rocks

it's tight enough to hold an ejected sd wihout losing it (awesome) and has a really secure hold and solid spring

it's actually one of my favorite design choices they made :)

Check this one at about 1:20:

Looks like he misses the click the first try catches it on the second. Looks clickety to me. B)
Trevsweb said:
Zotty said:
Judging by the sound it makes in one of the video, I'd say yes.

lol yes doesnt really anwser the question i think by the videos it shows its a sprint loaded unit
True true, but we all know what it meant. If not, then by now we do ;)
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it's the "push push" type

in fact i think this is the exact part #
banjeed said:
Trevsweb said:
sprint loaded
skeezix said:
But the answer is yes, it clicks into place.
I have a flash cart for my GBA sp, and the mini-SD card is hard to get out, since it's not spring-loaded.
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Karel Jansens said:
On a related note, will the SD cards be set up to automount/umount? It would be nice to have at least one slot behaving as a removable media slot, without having to remember to (u)mount manually everytime.

Just make sure there is no write/read operations when you pull the SD Card out.. Otherwise you may/will lose data.
Atleast gnome has eject arrows next to removable devices in Nautilus which you can use to safe eject the SD (Waits until read/write is finished) This could also be indicated with led (Led flickers.. Its writing) I think pandora has these leds :p
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NLS said:
I have a flash cart for my GBA sp, and the mini-SD card is hard to get out, since it's not spring-loaded.
I had a flash cart for my Nintendo DS that had a spring-heeled-jack-loaded micro SD slot. The free-open-source-implementation-of-the-total-annihilation-game-loader broke.
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Cloudef said:
Karel Jansens said:
On a related note, will the SD cards be set up to automount/umount? It would be nice to have at least one slot behaving as a removable media slot, without having to remember to (u)mount manually everytime.

Just make sure there is no write/read operations when you pull the SD Card out.. Otherwise you may/will lose data.
Atleast gnome has eject arrows next to removable devices in Nautilus which you can use to safe eject the SD (Waits until read/write is finished) This could also be indicated with led (Led flickers.. Its writing) I think pandora has these leds :p

This is actually a really good point. Do the two SD card LEDs actually show read/write activity?
What exactly do they do?
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I do hope the SD card will stick on of the console only a tiny bit. It looks like it sticks outa litte from photos/videos, but it might have been the angle or whatever...
As long as it sticks out a bit more than the one in the creative zen. It's tough getting out without a fingernail!
SOmeone (skeezix? zodttd?) said that the cards are flush. There's an indentation in the case where teh SD cards are so you can fit your finger in there, but they don't stick out, so they won't get caught on stuff in your pocket.

As usual, no references.
pic from Cebit
looks like the SDs sit pretty flush with the body of the system. I like it this way, makes sure you dont accidentally hit the click and pop it out.

EDIT: Image changed to link because it's effin huge
Alpha2 said:
looks like the SDs sit pretty flush with the body of the system. I like it this way, makes sure you dont accidentally hit the click and pop it out.
Yes, the Volume wheel is that way too.
DaveC made a really great case design. I'd hate to have volume changing in my pocket while playing music.
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yeah plus the less the wheel most the less likely it'll get worn out over time and do that annoying thing where just tapping it causes the sound to go out.
yeah, credits to DaveC for that one .. theres a lot of subtleties in there that woudl never occur to someone who hasn't used gadgets like this and done design before :) Its pretty good looking without being fancy (it; functional an good looking like a Battlestar, you know? ;), and designed for use :) I coudlnt' type on it for the first coupl hours (spacebar is on the right!), but got used to it quick :)

Tokiopop said:
I do hope the SD card will stick on of the console only a tiny bit. It looks like it sticks outa litte from photos/videos, but it might have been the angle or whatever...
they are flush, however, there is an indent for your finger.




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