Sd Card Problems


Dec 1, 2005
My SD card went braindead. Or should I say my GP2X went braindead when it comes to reading my 1gig SD card. It was working great up til just a few minutes ago.

Thing is.

My PC still reads it fine.
My Zodiac Tapwave reads it fine as well.

Any ideas on what would cause this?

My firmware is 1.2.0


:angry: :angry: :angry:

Don't worry I wont bite. Just a little annoyed.
OK. I dug out an old 64MB sansdisk memory card that I have (you know, the ones without secure digital) and it read that just fine.

So what is the deal here?
I already copied everything off of it, reformatted, and put it back. The GP2X still cannot read it. I even updated my firmware to 1.2.1 to see if maybe it was an issue in that area. No luck.

I just do not understand why the card would work fine in my GP2X for almost a month and then all of a sudden stop working... :?

My PC and Tapwave can still read it just fine.

This is just plain screwy.
Greenchili posted on Feb 2 2006 at 08:41 PM said:
I already copied everything off of it, reformatted, and put it back. The GP2X still cannot read it. I even updated my firmware to 1.2.1 to see if maybe it was an issue in that area. No luck.

I just do not understand why the card would work fine in my GP2X for almost a month and then all of a sudden stop working... :?

My PC and Tapwave can still read it just fine.

This is just plain screwy.
hmm... and its formatted fat32, default allocation size (if you use explorer)?

Edit: Can your zodiac format sd cards, try doing that.
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Ugghghghghgh i have the EXACT same problem, and i have tried everything1!! replacing batteries, trying the card empty, formatting and whatnot. any help?
i have heard something about "mounting the SD card in explorer" but have no idea what this means as the problem hasn't happened to me. you could try exploring that route :P
Similiar problem, I used an SD card from my camara and formated it under Windows XP fat32, end result the gp2x couldn't see anything. I took one picture and put it back in the gp2x and was able to see the directory structure from the camera. I then plugged in the USB cable to my windows PC, thinking everything is good, and was unable to see the directory from windows. I'm going to try formatting the SD card under Linux, no time now.
nah tried formatting in my linux top *SimplyMEPIS* and nothing, i just put a text file there and it didnt see it...
now thats the only SD card i have so I cant update.....
Can someone like tell Gamepark about this, kuz my GP2X is 3 days old, it just worked for 1 day and then it just stopped recognizing the SD
Buying an external card reader, instead of using the USB to GP2x directly, fixed my problem. I'm using a SanDisk 12 in 1, model SDDR-89 and a 256MB PNY. Hope this helps.
heh i also use an external card reader 9 in 1 so *sigh*.
the card is a PNY 1GB if i havent stated it yet...
if you need any more details ask me for them (unless theyre my name or social security number) and i wil give them to u

well, i fixed it SO PAY ATTENTION

my FW on the GP2X was 1.2.0., so, i place the upgrade files on the FAT32 FORMATTED CARD and placed some freshly charged batteries on it, and cross my fingers to hope it broke. when i booted it(SD card inserted) appeared "firmware updating", it updated perfectly (no AC ADAPTER), then, in my "i want my GP2X to break to get a new one" rant, i ran the patch thing, and crossed my finger it would break, again. guess what?!, perfect upgrade, now my SD card (PNY 1GB classic) is fully recognized, AND add it to the working cards for upgrading list, now, I AM REALLY HAPPY MY GP2X works again YES THANK YOU GOD I LOVE YOU!!!