Sd Card And Other Questions!


Sep 3, 2007
Cardiff, UK

1) I've got my F-200 and will be getting it for christmas am so tempted to go looking for it!). Just wondered what SD card is the best to buy in the mean time? I want a 4gb, are Sandisk the best option and would the high capacity work just as well? Ebay seems cheap but I'm worried about these fakes!

2) Does the F-200 come with a screen protector?

3) I've heard of some compatibility problems with emulators as it's early days with the F-200. Are people still working as hard on the emulators as they were for the F-100, I'm getting worried about this!

Hope someone can help me with these.


1- Cheater! SDHC cards are working directly in the F200.
I don't know if there's a compat' issue with some type of it.
The capacity would depend on what you'll need to put on it.
If you're a Gameboy mono fan, a small SD is enough.
If you plan to watch some movies and listening to your complete discography of Abba, then take a large SDHC card.

2- I don't know but I assume there's one

3-Compatibility issues are, in most cases, due to the different sound chip from what I have read on this forum.
Devs are currently correcting this problem and I think that plenty of it will be "patched" very soon.
Devs still here for the F200. They're also waiting for the next "Craiginator" (like everybody) but meanwhile working on their 2X stuff.
For me there's no need to worry except if you NEED a very specific thing (like perfect CD emulation for UAE to play the CD version of XYZ Tycoon).
How did you know I like Abba, you're a genius!

Thanks for the help, hope the patches are there by crimbo so I can get straight into action. My missus won't be seeing much of me, which she might be glad about!

If anyone has any more help, please don't hesitate!
I can smell an Abba fan miles away ;)

The real problem with the F200 isn't the compatibility issue in the programs I think (it's minor) but the fact that developing for it is harder because some facilities has been lost (telnet thru USB for exemple if I remember well).