Boot Up Animation/sound


Sep 3, 2007
Cardiff, UK
Hi it's me and I'm bringing this up again! I've finally found out how to change the boot up sound on my F-200 (the SD card has to be EMPTY!!!). Is there any way of changing the GPH screen aswell as I have the master system sound on there now and having the old animation would lead me to me wetting my pants!

If this is possible, is there anyone out there who could do this type of thing when launching emulators, for instance, when launching a Gameboy emulator you get the 'Ninetendo' scrolling down the screen with the old bleep!????

Just thought this would add something extra if it could be done, would add a massive sense of authenticity.
How did you change the bootup sound Nick? I thought that was only possible on the F100, not the F200.

I'd love to change the bootup sound, it's annoying as hell.

And the Master System startup noise would be perfect! :D

EDIT - I did it, you don't seem to have to remove all files from the SD card. I left mine on there and it worked fine. I now have the 'Sega' tune from the start of Sonic! I'd love the Master System boot sound if you have it handy, though. :)
Tell me about it, I'm so releived to get rid of that bootup! Especially after my missus said it sounded like the beginning of a James Blunt song, I was devastated! Life is good now though, I'll see if I can get a Sega logo to pop up instead of GPH.........ahhh, I'm longing for Amiga and Sega to make a comeback........

Just checked that link to change the bootup screen, sounds a tad risky, if I bricked my F-200 just for that I'd not be very happy!