Scummvm1.1.1 Wiz


Chaos is our mode and modus
Dec 22, 2005
The ScummVM Team and the Wiz maintainer DJWillis released the actual bug-fix version 1.1.1 for the Wiz.


ScummVM: Very belated 1.1.1 release for the GP2X Wiz

While this is a little late to say the least (better late than never and all that, I mean it’s only 3 months late Surprised smile) I have finally managed to get my hands on a working GP2X Wiz, some all important free time and motivation, and built up and tested the GP2X Wiz backend for the 1.1.1 release following on from the official announcement.

This post is also an announcement of the GP2X backend release as I forgot to post about it at the time despite the fact it got uploaded and released only a few days late ;) .

I have not had a great deal of time recently to work on these releases so the backends are largely the same as the previous releases with just the needed changes to support all the fancy new things in the ScummVM core. No reworking of the control system or the like has been done yet (it’s still on my TODO).

Some of the highlights of the changes 1.1.1 bring, that benefit the GP2X and GP2X Wiz, include 2 completely new engines and games, Dragon History (available free from here) and TeenAgent (available free from Also new is 16bit graphics support, which allowed us to add support for a whole bunch of newer Humongous Entertainment games for kids and improved support for the Amiga versions of Monkey Island, Legend of Kyrandia and Future Wars.

Please provide feedback in the usual places on these releases and enjoy using them.


1.1.1 (2010-05-02)

- Fixed several minor bugs here and there.

- Fixed regression that caused some texts to always be in English, even when
using another language. (#2970211 - DRASCULA: missing german translation)

- Fixed a bug which caused the DOS versions to crash before the credits when
AdLib music is selected.

- Fixed several memory leaks.
- Corrected problems in the handling of followers when blocked from performing
actions by closed doors between rooms.
- Solved issues with Goewin not always correctly following the player out of the caves

- Fix video playback regression in Discworld 2.

- Fix several crashes and other regressions in Nippon Safes, including
bugs 2969211, 2969232, 2969234, 2969257, 2970141.

DJWillis Homepage: Link.
ScummVM Homepage: Link.
Download: Archive..
DJWillis said:

Thanks for announcing it, I forgot to post about it here ;) .

I thank you. :)
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Excellent news.
Will the old version on the archive (here:,0,0,0,26,212 ) be updated?
Cheers, Neil
Neil L said:
Excellent news.
Will the old version on the archive (here:,0,0,0,26,212 ) be updated?
Cheers, Neil

It won't be updated by me, I tend to make sure it's uploaded to the main ScummVM site and point people there ;) . If I post it to every file archive I am at it all day.

I notice your in Wiltshire :o , someone with a Wiz that is not a million miles away ;) .
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Neil L said:
Excellent news.
Will the old version on the archive (here:,0,0,0,26,212 ) be updated?
Cheers, Neil

I uploaded the new file yesterday, waiting for the approval...
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sbock said:
I uploaded the new file yesterday, waiting for the approval...
Thanks. :)

DJWillis said:
I notice your in Wiltshire :o , someone with a Wiz that is not a million miles away ;) .
24.2 miles (according to the AA route planner) :)
I don't suppose you have an unbricking cable? (As my Wiz is dead) :(
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Neil L said:
sbock said:
I uploaded the new file yesterday, waiting for the approval...
Thanks. :)

DJWillis said:
I notice your in Wiltshire :o , someone with a Wiz that is not a million miles away ;) .
24.2 miles (according to the AA route planner) :)
I don't suppose you have an unbricking cable? (As my Wiz is dead) :(

I do somewhere, let me have a look.
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I tested the version a little bit today. Teenagent works fine. I also noticed that the scaling bug is gone. At least I fond no gliches in COMI after playing around 15 minutes. Very well.
I noticed, that 2 games from my test pool give me a gui message "Could not switch to reolution 320x240" and crash:

Zak McKracken (FM Towns/English)
Indy and the last crusade (FM Towns/English)

They both work well with the GP2x version.
sbock said:
I tested the version a little bit today. Teenagent works fine. I also noticed that the scaling bug is gone. At least I fond no gliches in COMI after playing around 15 minutes. Very well.
I noticed, that 2 games from my test pool give me a gui message "Could not switch to reolution 320x240" and crash:

Zak McKracken (FM Towns/English)
Indy and the last crusade (FM Towns/English)

They both work well with the GP2x version.

Thanks for the testing,

Crud, that's 2 games I don't own (I long since moved to a policy of testing only what I own, demos or games the publishers are ok with us having).

I don't really have much FM-Towns stuff in my collection other than Loom :(.

The screen scale code is cleaned up but tearing does still seem to occur just a LOT less often :).

I'll see what I can do about the FM-Towns issues, but it may just have to stay a known issue and I'll try and fix it in 1.2.0.

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Does anyone know if Cruise for a Corpse (256 Dos) is supposed to work ? Mine just crashes to the Wiz menu. I also noticed that there hasn't been a compatibility list for the Wiz and the GP2X one is years old, I have no idea what games are compatible or is the compatibility supposed to be the same as the PC version ?
Yeah, games should have more or less the same compatibility on PC and Wiz/GP2x.

Cruise for a Corpse should work, I don't have it here so I can't confirm your result.


No hurry needed. I have my trustworthy GP2x here if I want to play this games. :)

I tried the DOS version of Zak and it worked flawlessly so it really seem to be a problem with FM Towns.
One note to the error message I posted: I deleted ikaris SDL from the Scumm folder to see if it's related to this and now the games simply crash with a segfault.
Is there any chance of FLAC support in the next version ? I was told it takes less resources than MP3.
emjay said:
Is there any chance of FLAC support in the next version ? I was told it takes less resources than MP3.

Maybe if I get time but it's not high on my list.

As for resource usage. On a device like the GP2X/Wiz/Caanoo etc. libMAD with it's very tuned fixed point decoding will decode MP3's in less CPU cycles than FLAC (without carrying some more exotic FLAC patches that are a pain to get working well ;)).
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Amazing news. It really has been a great time to be a Wiz owner these last couple of months, what with all these new emulators and updates being released.

Thank you a million-fold for updating ScummVM!!