Scummvm For The Gp32 0.5.1 - Scummy Alpha

DJWillis wouldn't give source code because it was messy. But now it seems he gave it up like the first GPScumm project (the one that only run DOTT without sound).

Maybe someone should start it again, but I took a look on scummvm sources and I don't even know for sure what kind of package we should start with (pocketPC, Handheld PC ARM?)

If someone got an idea about that it would greatly help. I may try to start this up, even if I'm not sure being able to do this alone. But since this emulator is so great it would be great to try =)
DJWillis is still around, and as far as I know he still plays with the Scumm code from time to time, but I think he must have a lot on in real life at the minute because he's nowhere near as active as he used to be. If you want to help development, just contact him. I'm sure he'd be happy for any assistance he can get.
Fanck: Instead of complaining about the source code not being open, take a look around and you'll see that the source is there!
I'm not sure we're talking about the same code =)

I was not complaining, but I'm really sorry you think that way
DJWillis has said that the "alpha" version out right now features very old code, and that apparently he has an almost completely rewritten and cleaner version that nevertheless still has some problems, which is why he didn't release it. I do hope that somebody fixes the main bugs in this program eventually (such as the problem I had of all my saves in MI1 being deleted after about an hour of constant playing), be it DJWillis or someone else! :(
anyare knows how to make a hex edited on version 0.5.1 with 160 Mhz >

my GP32 runs stable with 243 Mhz on Quake
Blah posted on Mar 12 2005 at 07:40 PM said:
Here's the GPscumm Pack at hexedited by bast525. Details and download here.

this GPscumm Pack works with 160 Mhz max - but my GP32 works with max 256 Mhz - thats the problem - moore Mhz avaible but the Software not use this feature (and many other emulators with the self problem)
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kockott posted on Mar 12 2005 at 10:24 PM said:
this GPscumm Pack works with 160 Mhz max - but my GP32 works with max 256 Mhz - thats the problem - moore Mhz avaible but the Software not use this feature (and many other emulators with the self problem)

Don`t be greedy, You`ve got a 256mhz GP what more do you want. :P

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DJWillis wouldn't give source code because it was messy. But now it seems he gave it up like the first GPScumm project (the one that only run DOTT without sound).

Maybe someone should start it again, but I took a look on scummvm sources and I don't even know for sure what kind of package we should start with (pocketPC, Handheld PC ARM?)

If someone got an idea about that it would greatly help. I may try to start this up, even if I'm not sure being able to do this alone. But since this emulator is so great it would be great to try =)

Hmmm, the source to everything I released publicly to do with ScummVM has ALLWAYS been on my site and has been downloaded over 280 times looking at my logs (shame I had no offers of help ;)).

No need to start again as the port is not dead :D, in fact it’s more active right now then anytime in the last 6 months.

It's not my fault if nobody reads my site ;); I have popped updates there on and off and even one a few days ago.

kockott posted on Mar 12 2005 at 10:23 AM said:
anyare knows how to make a hex edited on version 0.5.1 with 160 Mhz >

my GP32 runs stable with 243 Mhz on Quake

There is no point; the code is not setup in a way that just chucking extra Mhz via a hex edit will help per-say. Timing and the setup of the CPU/Bus etc. is everything. To be honest even the 160/156/200 hex-edits are not optimised in the slightest as the timings are already off.

The speed increase you see with the hex edits is just nice to have, there is not really anymore headroom to be gained above 200Mhz IMHO without some reworking of the port.

The port has speed/timing selection built in now anyway so any future releases will feature it.
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Thumbs Up!

All you work is much appreciated Willis! Can't wait for the new version to come out.

It is again times like this I wished I could actualy code cause you definatly would have got my help!!

DJWillis, I took the "nerd test" on your page, and got a mark of 38/100 (lower than 65% of the people who took the test).
"Not nerdy, but definitely not hip."

Quite far from your 98 :D Still, my problem may simply be that I'm not a computer/programmer nerd. If talk veers to classical music, ancient history, geography, old/foreign movies, biology or classic gaming then I think I'd be hard to beat. ;)
Glad to here you're still working on Scumm DJWillis. Don't think because we don't check your site often enough that we aren't appreciative of Scumm on our fave handheld because we are. Very appreciative.

Thanks very much and keep up the good work.
deadlychicken22 posted on Mar 25 2005 at 04:28 AM said:
Could you please increase the speed of the cursor? It bugs me when it takes forever to get across the screen.

Maybe, it's not quite such an easy fix as the mouse is tied to the engine speed (i.e. processor intensive game = slow mouse) the old 0.3.1 versions used a hack that will not work any more. It's on the TODO but not near the top yet, get it stable and running as many games as possable then tweak ;).
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