Screens Of The Future

Laurencevde said:
The Iphone(right one) has an LCD-screen, and the background is supposed to be black...

(AM)OLED is simply better than LCD, just still more expensive to produce. Black pixels don't give any light, colors are better, no ghosting, lower power usage, better viewing angles.
but outside daylight viewing is susposed to be horrible from what I hear
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but outside daylight viewing is susposed to be horrible from what I hear
The new Samsung super OLED is supposed to be much better in this regard, easily on a par with the iphone ( allegedly)
I'd love to know how they manage to make OLED perform better in sunlight, transflective LCDs actually use sunlight to enhance the brightness of the display by reflecting it. OLED can't reflect and colour light as effectively because it's bouncing off another light source rather than a reflective surface, and isn't passing through what are effectively colour filters.

Also OLEDs power consumption is a function of what it's displaying, which is why most OLED devices use overwhelmingly black UIs. (

OLED has some benefits over LCD and some drawbacks, by the time the gap is closed there will be a newer, better display technology.. Or we'll all be using plasma screens! Ha!

Some fusion of eInk and OLED could be interesting, adopting solid colours in daylight but luminescing in darkness. The trouble there is the difficulty in making the reflective light and emitted light the same perceived colour or in engineering a display intelligent enough to adjust the colour balance in response to ambient light intensity. You can, ahem, colour me impressed when they create a combination of ambient light colour/intensity sensors and display technology that creates a consistent display under any shade or intensity of light.

Or just beam the damned image into my brain already.
There's something everyone is overlooking. :P I'm pretty sure that virtually nobody uses their phone, or any other screen-bearing device, at an angle like that photograph... :lol:
In bed, I use my phone at weird angles all the time. If you show something to your friends on your phone, weird angles occur. Viewing angle IS important. But good visibility in sunlight is probably even more important.
Me, I still want Sinclair's flat tube... :D
Pleng said:
Sorry which one is which?

It's pretty hard to compare as one has a pastel blue background and another a dark black. I'd say the device on the right seems to have slightly clearer definition, but that could be because it looks like it's brightness has been set way down. The colours on the left hand side seem a lot more vibrant; the one on the right looks kind of washed out.

No, they are both on highest brightness, the iPhone's screen looks off because the contrast ratio isn't nearly as high, as well as smaller viewing angle. The backgrounds on both are 'black.' You can see much deeper blacks and brighter, move vivid colors on the AMOLED.

This Super AMOLED by Samsung is 30% more visible in sunlight according to them.
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fischju2000 said:
Giving up on OLED/AMOLED? Here is that new Samsung Super AMOLED screen next to an iPhone. 3.3" 800x480


You can't say this tech wouldn't be a great match for the Pandora's performance needs.

Very pretty indeed. I'd love to see that sort of display tech in a Pandora, not to mention most other display devices. :3
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