Screen Problems


Still Fresh
Sep 6, 2006
Hello All,
I have a GP2X-F100. I took the 2GB SD card from my camera so I could play with my GP2X until my 4GB ones arrived. If you saw my earlier post, I just recieved it yesterday. Well I put some music, pictures, and Squidgesnes 0.34 with some ROMs. Still waiting for some video files to download. Music played fine, pictures worked fine and Squidgesnes worked fine until it crashed. So I rebooted and now the screen is "blank" :( . I can see the information if I hold it at a 45 degree angle. Everything is pink and washed out like the contrast is cranked all the way up. So I figured I would flash it. Well it flashed but still the same problem. I have flashed it 4 times and no go. I have reformatted my 2GB card FAT32 and flashed it. I have waited several minutes after flashing to reboot Still the same problem. I do not have a BoB. Any suggestions? Should I just send it back and get a replacement? Thanks.