Doesn't Turn On Anymore!


Nov 9, 2005
Olten, Basel, Zürich (Switzerland)
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Hello folks,
my brand new GP32 has been flashed and has been in used for 3 days now.
A few minutes ago I turned it off and now on. Now there's only a white screen and nothing more coming up :(
It's a SLubman Firmware and it worked okay until now...

Anyone got an idea' I'm shattered :(

Perhaps we need the board to make a message saying 'have you checked the batteries?' pop up whenever someone posts a message.
barnesy posted on Dec 23 2005 at 01:17 PM said:

Perhaps we need the board to make a message saying 'have you checked the batteries?' pop up whenever someone posts a message.

Argh, damn. I thought tha would come up.
I'm not a complete idiot, thanks. I tried with 6 different batteries (4 new ones).

It's just a white screen. No keypress does do anything.

Could a EXT Serial cable help to reflash it if this is the case?
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I have the same problem since the day I bought my old gp32... In most cases I get a white screen when turning on the unit... When I keep trying the screen comes up and once there I have no problems at all.

I Never sent back the unit to LiK-sang because it overclocked to 166 Mhz. In those days it was a gamble how overclockable a gp32 was...

I learned to live with it... Maybe you must keep trying for a while to see if the unit boots up fine every now and then...
If you have the 'modern' firmware, there's 0 reasons to flash another firmware on! Don't play with fire, you'll eventually get bruned.
What modern firmware? O_o
Slubman worked fine.
It's just, that it suddenly didn'tturn on anymore. I believe it is a hardware failure. I didn't overclock anything.
It worked for around one week with the new firmware and I don't think it suddenly gets overwritten (I removed any software on it that could write on the firmware for safety reasons).
Laintsurge posted on Dec 23 2005 at 10:53 PM said:
By modern firmware I think he means the blu firmware. Or freeloader. Whatever :?

It`s freelauncher, Freeloader sounds so selfish. :blink:

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Yep, the Blu firmware, with white background and bouncing GP logo.
Mh, I found the Slubman Firmware way better.

And actually, it still can't be the firmware I think.
I don't think the firmware actually overwrites ANYTHING on the firmware.
That would be much of a security issue.
The problem MUST be somewhere else.

Anyway, I hope the shop I bought my GP32 will exchange my unit against a better one. Have 12 months warranty but I don't trust those ebay shops too much o_O

So no one has any idea what's up with my machine?
No one experiencing similar problems?
Pixman posted on Dec 24 2005 at 11:21 AM said:
So no one has any idea what's up with my machine?
No one experiencing similar problems?

I am having a very similiar problem to you, also using Slubman BIOS. Have you managed to resolve the problem since, or is your GP32 still dead?
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