screen issue


Feb 9, 2014

I've had an issue with my screen ever since I got my pandora, but it's usually not a big problem so I haven't bothered doing anything about it until now. It seems like it might be getting worse, but that might just be me noticing it more often.

The issue is that I see dark vertical lines at the right-hand side of the screen. There is a dark section about 0.5cm in width about 1.5cm from the edge, and then a gradient-like effect going to the edge of the screen. Looking at it closely, certain columns of pixels are slightly bluer, redder, or darker than others - they are not black.

Here's a photo taken from my phone to illustrate what I mean (remote desktop to a VM installing ubuntu server). Apologies for the quality, I tried to get a better, closer picture but my phone sucks.


It doesn't show up in screenshots, which indicates to me that it's some kind of hardware issue (problem with the screen? cable not quite connected?)

It seems to be more noticeable when the screen is showing certain colours, e.g blue and the purple shown above. I also tend to notice it when watching video.

I would be interested in hearing opinions as to the cause, and whether it's maybe something I could fix myself. I don't know much about electronics but if it's just a matter of e.g seating a cable correctly I can probably do that.


This looks like the ribbon cable starting to die. Does it change when you move the lid?
Nope, can't be ribbon cable.

If the ribbon cable dies, a color is missing on FULLSCREEN, not on part of the screen.

Looks like the screen is dying somehow.
Oh. I had those when my first cable got bad iirc. But could also be that it was the screen. Sorry.
Thanks for the replies.

No, it doesn't change when I close/open the lid, it stays the same.
Please see the video link in my signature to get an impression
Thanks for the vid., but I don't think I'd be comfortable doing that to my 5-month-old, super-awesome, expensive pandora.

I'd rather not have to ship it back to germany. I wonder if anybody can recommend somebody in AU (VIC would be best) who could do this for me?