Release SciTE 2.21


"I Know. We're going for a ride."
Jan 6, 2009

SciTE is a Scintilla-based syntax highlighting text editor.

This topic is mostly a copy of the topic in the other forums.

Screenshot because the one at is very old:


PND Here

No source code changes from scite221.tgz were needed.

Compiled with prefix=/mnt/utmp/scite . All files in the pnd are writable by user, so you can open the global options file and edit it directly in scite (no need for editing as root). Also, I recommend that you do your option modifications to the global options file, because that is in the appdata. If you create an user options file that will be written to your home directory (propably on NAND), but since that doesnt happen automatically and is avoidable I decided not to change the scite home dir to appdata.
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Very Nice, I was wondering about a good programming editor once I got the Pandora. I primarily use jEdit at work and home, but had concerns on performance with it, since it's Java based. I tried it out, outside of split views it seems to do everything I want it to.
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Personally I expect I'll be sticking with Vim - I assume it's present in the standard image. I also like the editexisting.vim plugin which, once your desktop is littered with editor windows, will prevent you from opening a file twice. It should be present in /usr/share/vim/vim73/macros and just needs copying to ~/.vim/plugin folder. I also like this plugin for editing python - if you've got a large python script, it helps by hiding all the classes and functions you're not concerned with - just 'za' to show a function or class interface, and 'za' to hide it again. That's my favourite interface for python (as well as other text files) at least until a proper debugger is needed.

Anyway, that's got very little to do with SciTE. If you don't fancy learning all the commands necessary to even get started in Vim, it might be the right editor for you, and of course the more choice we have the better.