Child of the 80s
I found this game a while back when trawling through my favourite Jap SNES site (link can't be provided here) and what immediately astounded me was the physical size of the game - its 2Mbit thats 191KB zipped!! So if you have a small media card this is defintely worth shoving on there.
The Game:
Its basically Air Hockey, like the game you find in your local Super bowl, but without exertion and brute force needed to slap that puck into some guy's pint. I guess you could say this is another of the "5 minute" pick up n play type games.
Graphics: 8/10
Surprisingly bright and crisp. The manga style characters are well animated. The graphic motion for hitting the puck is as expected. The Japanese in the game won't put you off since there are very few options. Translation patch can be found here
Although I don't use it with this or other games like Puyo since the Japanese characters add an artistic element to the game.
Sound: 5/10
Its a bit plinky plonkey and doesnt come off greatly on the GP32. The sound effects are what you would expect for this and come in at the right places.
Gameplay: 9/10
Its bloody addictive and you can have some furious button bashing if close up to your enemy! I think there is only one button to hit the puck with, so its fairly simple and great fun to play. The power ups when released can make hitting the puck have powerful effects.
Playability: 9/10
I'm pretty sure even those people with lower clocked GP's will have fun with this since its not that demanding of the SNES. I mean 191Kb!! It must get the smallest SNES game of all time award or something. I play this on 166, just because I can but I reckon it'll be fine on lower speeds.
Tested with os9xgp 0.3 = Approved. (Should work with 0.2 also)
ok screenshots, this time I put them on my server :rolleyes:
The Game:
Its basically Air Hockey, like the game you find in your local Super bowl, but without exertion and brute force needed to slap that puck into some guy's pint. I guess you could say this is another of the "5 minute" pick up n play type games.
Graphics: 8/10
Surprisingly bright and crisp. The manga style characters are well animated. The graphic motion for hitting the puck is as expected. The Japanese in the game won't put you off since there are very few options. Translation patch can be found here
Although I don't use it with this or other games like Puyo since the Japanese characters add an artistic element to the game.
Sound: 5/10
Its a bit plinky plonkey and doesnt come off greatly on the GP32. The sound effects are what you would expect for this and come in at the right places.
Gameplay: 9/10
Its bloody addictive and you can have some furious button bashing if close up to your enemy! I think there is only one button to hit the puck with, so its fairly simple and great fun to play. The power ups when released can make hitting the puck have powerful effects.
Playability: 9/10
I'm pretty sure even those people with lower clocked GP's will have fun with this since its not that demanding of the SNES. I mean 191Kb!! It must get the smallest SNES game of all time award or something. I play this on 166, just because I can but I reckon it'll be fine on lower speeds.
Tested with os9xgp 0.3 = Approved. (Should work with 0.2 also)
ok screenshots, this time I put them on my server :rolleyes: