"saddam Hussein Dead"

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I'll disagree with you all!
I love Bush, he is very witty and has helped oil companies no end. He shows that even stupid people can gain power in the amazingly free place that is america.

God bless you, America!

Bush !!!! thats the part of flora i piss on fyi ;)
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Subcon959: SHUT UP GUYS

Topic summary brought to you by Fox News. Well, not really, but it's nice to think so.
We could always take the current situation in the middle east as a sobering lesson in the dangers of religious extremism and racial fragmenting. All i've heard in this conversation is "Sunni this" "Shi'ite that". Honestly now, when are these people go to pull thier heads out thier collective asshole and realize that in the end we are all ONE species, living on ONE planet, with no "Great happy pipe-dream" to go to when we finally kick the bucket?

Of course, we could always pull together as a species instead of tiny little factions fighting one another, and actually make that "Great happy pipe dream" happen on earth, but that would be to hard, wouldn't it? To pull your head out of your ass and quit quibbling over tiny little differences and realize that in the end no one really gives a flying f**** whether you bow down to nothingness once a week, no one cares if you wear a bowler hat or a turban, that no one cares what you eat, no one cares what you believe, as long as you just go about your buisness and don't hinder the advancement of the species?
We could always take the current situation in the middle east as a sobering lesson in the dangers of religious extremism and racial fragmenting. All i've heard in this conversation is "Sunni this" "Shi'ite that". Honestly now, when are these people go to pull thier heads out thier collective asshole and realize that in the end we are all ONE species, living on ONE planet, with no "Great happy pipe-dream" to go to when we finally kick the bucket?

Of course, we could always pull together as a species instead of tiny little factions fighting one another, and actually make that "Great happy pipe dream" happen on earth, but that would be to hard, wouldn't it? To pull your head out of your ass and quit quibbling over tiny little differences and realize that in the end no one really gives a flying f**** whether you bow down to nothingness once a week, no one cares if you wear a bowler hat or a turban, that no one cares what you eat, no one cares what you believe, as long as you just go about your buisness and don't hinder the advancement of the species?
You're fucking hindering the advancement of our species. Shut the hell up with your Jesus Christ "can't we all get along?" attitute. The world isn't like that. Never was. It's called human nature. Jealousy, greed, anger, and everything else that makes us up as humans. We cannot possible get along and hold hands and sing kumbaya together. Your vision of a perfect world cannot possibly exist. And you're a retard if you think it can.

Learn to live in the now. There's nothing that can be done to save us as a people. We're doomed to destroy each other, no matter how you try to change it. We need to be wiped out and whoever or whatever created us needs to start over again.

So in conclusion, please assholin, stop talking. Don't bother coming into a thread with flaming and post that stupid 'let's live in peace' bullshit. Get your head out of the clouds.

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We could always take the current situation in the middle east as a sobering lesson in the dangers of religious extremism and racial fragmenting. All i've heard in this conversation is "Sunni this" "Shi'ite that". Honestly now, when are these people go to pull thier heads out thier collective asshole and realize that in the end we are all ONE species, living on ONE planet, with no "Great happy pipe-dream" to go to when we finally kick the bucket?

Of course, we could always pull together as a species instead of tiny little factions fighting one another, and actually make that "Great happy pipe dream" happen on earth, but that would be to hard, wouldn't it? To pull your head out of your ass and quit quibbling over tiny little differences and realize that in the end no one really gives a flying f**** whether you bow down to nothingness once a week, no one cares if you wear a bowler hat or a turban, that no one cares what you eat, no one cares what you believe, as long as you just go about your buisness and don't hinder the advancement of the species?

easier said then done

im sure most ppl want that but it's just.. not... possible!
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Damn! :(

... I was simply going to post "Go hug a tree, hippie!" and be done with it ...
As long as murder is programmed in our DNA our species will always have war and fight the ones that threaten "our" way of life. It's who we are and we have to accept that. Of course there is a rather drastic solution and that's extinction of man_not_so_kind. What will happen anyway... just a matter of time.

Now on-topic again... let's play a nice game of barbarian :)
cant be arsed reading it all so if this has already been said just ignore it :p

It just said on the news that the Hanging of Saddam has had the opposite effect on the Iraq extremists, instead of putting fear into them like the americans thought it would, it has just made them all praise saddam and made him even more popular...

but persoanlly If I was given the choice, Spend the rest of your life rotting in a dirty jail cell or be instantly executed I think I would rather be executed...

Also, if you want to be remembered in history, the best way to go is to be Assassinated / executed...
If that even happened, a messenger is hardly a reliable form of communication. 'Hay guys you all better leave or Saddam's going to kill all of you'. And I'm sure all those civilians were involved in rebellion against Saddam. Like all those dead women and children. You don't listen do you?
Who wouldn't believe it? Weren't you just preaching how ruthless and evil he was?
Harm to civilians is in the minority in the case of the US, and the persons responsible for things like murder of civilians or rape (quite rare incidences) are prosecuted and punished for their actions. You clearly ignore all the news that doesn't support your views. Whereas, attacks by the insurgency and foreign fighters you love so much kill hundreds of times, or more, civilians than genuine valid military targets.
But people in America think that it's "unamerican", sometimes protesting their persecutions. There is something wrong with them. They think that the blood of people living for thousands of years in a land with an immense amount of history is cheaper than the blood of people who have lived in land that they stole and lived on for just over 200. ;)
So it's OK for you to be defaming the US while using it to your benefit-- and it's perfectly OK for you to believe in the insurgency in Iraq, but not be there to support it. And yet, you defame ME for helping my nation's cause, because I am not personally in the only conflict in the world you care about. Your head's not screwed on very straight, is it? I hope you're hitting those books hard. It might take all the effort you've got.
If you remember I did not start this argument with you personally, but once you began arguing in other threads you made begin to feel that the Army does share their opinions with its serving men and women.
Gee, this fellow killed so many people, but he was just so darn POPULAR. We can't stay mad at him! .. Funny how you mentioned O.J. Simpson, who was a murderer, yet got off the hook because he was popular. So Saddam, who murdered hundreds of times more people (or thousands of times more) should live? You're talking in circles.
No, I am saying that if the majority of what he did was good to the people and satisfied the people, then it's the people's choice if he can stay, not a foreign nation. The majority of Muslims in the world(somewhere around 80%)are Sunni. Sunnis liked him, so why would Americans want to satisfy the minority in the Middle-east? Even in America, majority rules.
Horseshit. There is nothing true about this statement and that's all I need to say.

By the way, 'dogs' are what Saddam called the innocent Kurdish civilians he had murdered with chemical weapons. Your credibility went out the window a long time ago. Now it's orbiting Venus. How's the view out there?
Wow, you are soooooo retarded!!!!!!!!! :lol: You seriously think they can afford it? Well, guess what, they can't export opium, like the taliban does. They have nothing but their pride and their AK's.
Bunker-buster bombs have been in use since World War II and were developed further in response to the need presented by the Gulf War. They were not in response to any recent conflict, and development of such a weapon from scratch would take significantly longer than 5 years. :rolleyes: 'round-the-corner guns' (nice technical terminology there) have been in development for at least 7 years now. Probably much longer.
I clearly said "cave-busting".
They already existed, see above. It's not difficult to fight 'some guy with a turban wrapped around his head'. It's difficult to find 1 or 2 critical persons hiding out from capture/assassination like Osama bin Laden or other key Al Qaeda members-- such a war is difficult to fight because it is nontraditional. You aren't at war with a country, you're at war with certain people within a country. When you are not even at war with a GOVERNMENT, just a network of people hiding out across a region, attacking and fleeing, or blowing themselves up rather than mounting organized offensives, the situation is far more complex. The coalition forces have already demonstrated they're more than capable of handling all-out war. The only thing your 'culture' complicates is peacekeeping. I assume by 'culture' here, you mean fanatical indiscriminate murderous tendencies, because there's nothing in the Koran about killing innocent people for your own political gains.

On a side note, 'early 1900s rifle'? Last I checked the most common weapon in use was an AK-47. A Soviet weapon from ... you guessed it, 1947.*
By "culture", I was talking about rumsfeld declaring "an occupation force". Arab culture, despite what know about kuwaitis, have extreme pride about this kind of thing. It is our land, not a foreign nation's ally/puppet state. You should know this from the time that Israel was created... ;)
*read that again it proves my comment about their rifles
Everybody, eh? :rolleyes: I love how you think 'Iraqis' in general all hate the US/Coalition and everything they stand for, when in actuality, the persons fighting against the new government's success are an oppressed minority.

Everything you say is obnoxious diarrhea of the mouth. Noise pollution in its purest form. Please shut up and stay that way.
No, I don't think, I know. There are kurds and Shi'is that hate Americans, too. What success? America let one of the first radical Islamist terrorist groups, Hasb al-Da'wa, into power. Did you not hear the people shouting, "moqtada, moqtada" in the execution video. Moqtada al-Sadr is a retard who works to fights against America, and he is connected to the Prime Minister. If you had read my earlier post you would have known this.

Go ahead continue, you have no good points in this arguments. There is no reason for bush to have gone to the middle-east, except for some kind of conquest. That can be the only reason. Democracy cannot spread. There is no such thing as democracy. Explain the electoral college to everybody. I will leave you with that Epicenter. :rolleyes:
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What I will be saying in the coming few lines is not my opinion, these are facts, from someone that might be the closest to what is going on.

The people of US & A (sounds funnier when said by Borat) are so kind, I enjoyed my stay in the states much more than I ever thought I would, the hospitality and kindness American people have, their respect to other people and the fact that they are as honest as no one is made my respect to them increase.

According to the current Iraqi government, appointed by the occupation, 650,000 at least were killed since the war first started, many political parties in Iraq believe the exact number has reached seven figures.

There are few facts that need to be clear:

1) Alkaeda is Arabic means the base, the name was taken from its very strange structure, in all groups, there is a clear chain of command, a pyramid that is topped with few leaders, and the member count increase as you head down the pyramid, but in Alkaeda's case, there are few figures that distribute tapes (CDs nowadays), have public opinions published, have a very tiny army (that usually serves as protection for them only), and they spread the word and ideas that other people will believe in and follow, members operate in cells of very few people, and those cells are not connected to each other at all, and not connected to the leaders neither, many of them are members of the same family, students from the same school, or even sometimes players from the same football team (from when there used to be football matches in Iraq, nowadays football fields are used as graveyards) who happen to agree on what the leaders (who are actually only putting guidelines) say. They don’t have a secret handshake or training camps, training camps that bin Laden appear in were used for propaganda only, but it was used against him.

2) USA is building Iraq, but this is what is going on exactly: Iraq was once a heaven compared to its neighbours, their universities and educational system were more advanced than other Arab countries, people from other countries used to go there to work, they had a great culture, most of the books were published in Iraq and Egypt, it was a wealthy country with Oil and many other natural resources, even after the war with Iran and the first gulf war, until this war, US tanks kept bombing non war strategic bridges, they ruined most of the roads, in short made Iraq in a mass need for new infrastructure. Now who is going to fix all this? Foreign contractors hired by the US army, for very high prices, that will leave Iraq like every other country once the occupation leaves it, under heavy debts that will stand in the way of it making all of its decisions.

3) The current state in Iraq: there is a civil war there, Saddam (with all his flaws) is an important figure for Sunni people, so you don't hand him over to the other party (Shia'a) to execute him, whether he was guilty or not, this will just heat the fire of the civil war.

4) Timing: It was the worst timing ever, Muslims woke up to celebrate Eid Aladha, these are holy days for them, even non Muslim people in the middle east respect these days, you may not believe it, but since all three occasions came too close (X-mas, Eid and new year), I have heard "Merry New Adha" from many of my friends, all people were happy because of the three occasions, and they ruined everything for everyone here by the timing they chosen, it was extremely insulting and disrespectful (just to let everyone know, the earlier constitution of Iraq before the war didn't allow any executions to take place in any religious holiday, so no one can be harmed)

5) Illegal weapons are used by US army in Iraq. liked it or not, believed it or not, this is true, I am in direct contact with many Iraqi families regularly, and they all, Sunni, Shiei, and Kurdi saw that, and lost relatives and got injured by those weapons, and I've seen some of these injuries with my own eyes.

6) As I said earlier, many non Iraqis used to work in Iraq before the war, most of them have left back to their countries, non Iraqis are not welcomed anymore there, so those freedom fighters are mostly Iraqi, only few are from Saudi Arabia (crossing the border from Saudi Arabia to Iraq is very very very difficult, the few that manage to get there pass usually through Syria, and many don't even manage to reach Baghdad, they get killed on the way). Now for the many non Iraqis workers that are in Iraq now, they are all protected by the armies there, or by body guards, a friend of mine got a job offer that is five times what he gets here and he refused to go there because it is so dangerous even with security personnel protecting you.

7) On the other hand, all of the many Iraqi people I know agree on the following:
- While they are in Iraq, many of them saw several dead bodies for US soldiers ON DAILY BASES, they only reason they go out is to buy important stuff like food, they don't tour all Baghdad for bread, so they don't see all the dead soldiers that were killed in a single day
- They had many encounters with US soldiers who don’t speak English AT ALL!
Now who is hiring mercenaries for promises of American citizenship and doesn't even count them as causalities when they fall? Few weeks ago I was heading to the states and while in the airport, I met a guy who works for a security company, this guys used to work for the British troops that serve in Iraq, the important thing, the guy said it clearly to me, yes there are many non Americans serving as US army, so this is no conspiracy theory, it is the truth.

I am not saying all this to offend anyone, even the soldiers that left their countries and are fighting this war, those armies are under the command of their leaders, the ones am blaming are their governments and leaders.

To anyone that says that this war is not for oil, would you please enlighten every one of us here what is it for? I would be very thankful for a civilised reply.

Sorry for the long post...
tl;dr (most of it)

I did catch the part about you enjoying your stay in the states...and I recall you having savannah as your place of residence (which appears to have been removed now). Where are you from?
tl;dr (most of it)

I did catch the part about you enjoying your stay in the states...and I recall you having savannah as your place of residence (which appears to have been removed now). Where are you from?
tl;dr? Savannah?
edit: sorry DCGM, but am not getting what you are saying, are these misspellings?
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no im saying it was too long; didnt read :p

You had savannah georgia listed as where you live, didnt you? or am i crazy :blink:

edit: im thinking of someone else i think. but im still kinda stoned so dont mind me

i probably read your post wrong too lolz
no im saying it was too long; didnt read :p

You had savannah georgia listed as where you live, didnt you? or am i crazy :blink:
I apologize again for that :p but I wish you have time to read it though, because most of it is not what I collected from reading newspapers and watching TV, it is from being were I am.

Na, am from Jordan, the only peaceful country that is located in the middle of all this mess :mellow:
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i have time. im just too blazed to read it and have it sink in. i confused you with someone else, something i rarely do; do you honestly think i'd be able to comprehend anything intelligent? :p

anyway yeah i hear jordan is pretty nice. English is your second language then? arabic is pretty tough!
no im saying it was too long; didnt read :p

You had savannah georgia listed as where you live, didnt you? or am i crazy :blink:

edit: im thinking of someone else i think. but im still kinda stoned so dont mind me

i probably read your post wrong too lolz
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Yup english is my second language, trust me, Arabic is much easier than many other languages, like Japanese (trying to learn it but it is going so slowly :( ) or, if you ever heard of it, Circassian, it is the hardest language I ever heard of.

Thanks for the complement, would love to show you (and any other fellow member) around here if you had the chance to visit :)
I like my beat down low and my top let back

Can see me ridin 24's with a chopper in the back

Ya like ya Kenwood hot and ya top let back

If ya rims sit high and ya windows pitch black
I like my beat down low and my top let back

Can see me ridin 24's with a chopper in the back

Ya like ya Kenwood hot and ya top let back

If ya rims sit high and ya windows pitch black
You have gone and smoked yourself retarded.

sehs33, you're right, Arabic doesn't seem that hard. I'm currently picking up Japanese too, and... well :lol: not as bad as learning Chinese though!
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