"saddam Hussein Dead"

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I like my beat down low and my top let back

Can see me ridin 24's with a chopper in the back

Ya like ya Kenwood hot and ya top let back

If ya rims sit high and ya windows pitch black
You have gone and smoked yourself retarded.

... how is that possible? Didn't you just move? How did you locate a source of cannabis so fast? :blink: :blink:
my last bit of NY dro :(

awe look what you done did now lou. you got me crying :(

goddamn i need to find a good supplier over here. lets see what atlanta has to offer!
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Growing your own is indeed the best long-term solution, but in the meanwhile (and for at least 3 months or so), one needs good 'seed stock' ;)
Growing your own is indeed the best long-term solution, but in the meanwhile (and for at least 3 months or so), one needs good 'seed stock' ;)
there are lots of black people in the city area. and blacks like pot. so there must be some good stuff around here

I also heard they don't like white folks, so watch out, or they might try to sell you dog shit mixed with lawn clippings :ph34r:
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Growing your own is indeed the best long-term solution, but in the meanwhile (and for at least 3 months or so), one needs good 'seed stock' ;)
there are lots of black people in the city area. and blacks like pot. so there must be some good stuff around here

I also heard they don't like white folks, so watch out, or they might try to sell you dog shit mixed with lawn clippings :ph34r:
lolz my mother grew up in the Bronx. Her junior high principal was raped. So was my mother's best friend (by a black man who was identified). I went to public school that had race riots.

We both have new york educations, so black people dont scare me :rolleyes:
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Growing your own is indeed the best long-term solution, but in the meanwhile (and for at least 3 months or so), one needs good 'seed stock' ;)
there are lots of black people in the city area. and blacks like pot. so there must be some good stuff around here

I also heard they don't like white folks, so watch out, or they might try to sell you dog shit mixed with lawn clippings :ph34r:
lolz my mother grew up in the Bronx. Her junior high principal was raped. So was my mother's best friend (by a black man who was identified). I went to public school that had race riots.

We both have new york educations, so black people dont scare me :rolleyes:


I used to work in Fort Green, Brooklyn and routinely had to walk ~ 2 miles from the subway station to the projects at 3:30am alone. I was the only Caucasian face around for miles ... luckily, my work partner was an ex-Black Panther Muslim Martial-Arts Sensei with his own Dojo :lol:
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We could always take the current situation in the middle east as a sobering lesson in the dangers of religious extremism and racial fragmenting. All i've heard in this conversation is "Sunni this" "Shi'ite that". Honestly now, when are these people go to pull thier heads out thier collective asshole and realize that in the end we are all ONE species, living on ONE planet, with no "Great happy pipe-dream" to go to when we finally kick the bucket?

Of course, we could always pull together as a species instead of tiny little factions fighting one another, and actually make that "Great happy pipe dream" happen on earth, but that would be to hard, wouldn't it? To pull your head out of your ass and quit quibbling over tiny little differences and realize that in the end no one really gives a flying f**** whether you bow down to nothingness once a week, no one cares if you wear a bowler hat or a turban, that no one cares what you eat, no one cares what you believe, as long as you just go about your buisness and don't hinder the advancement of the species?
Most civilised Western societies, particularly in Europe, are growing out of the God fairy tale. The main exception, sadly, is the US. Whereas superstition is normally inversly proportional to a people's economic security, the US is almost alone in totally bucking the trend. Although you might imagine that religion with its constant harping on about morality would promote a higher level of morals in the population, the figures suggest otherwise. For example the UK is 40-50% athiest/agnostic whereas the US is about 90% "god fearing". The US has 5 times the population of the UK but has a prison population 30 times that of the UK. Other European countries have even greater numbers of non-believers and even lower crime rates.

Is this surprising ? I don't think so. Belief is irrational. In no other human endevour do people accept viewpoints with no evidence. Yet when it comes to believing in 'God' it is a positive virtue (and neccessary) to accept this nonsense on faith. Rational people are more likely to behave rationally, hence less people in prison.

The bad news is that the most well armed and aggressive country on the planet has a population of whom 90% are irrational. But as long as there are people who share your view we may still have a chance. It might be unrealistic and and naive to hope for such a thing but I would rather look up to the stars than down in the gutter.

"bow down to nothingness once a week" - classic :lol: .
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Growing your own is indeed the best long-term solution, but in the meanwhile (and for at least 3 months or so), one needs good 'seed stock' ;)
there are lots of black people in the city area. and blacks like pot. so there must be some good stuff around here

I also heard they don't like white folks, so watch out, or they might try to sell you dog shit mixed with lawn clippings :ph34r:
lolz my mother grew up in the Bronx. Her junior high principal was raped. So was my mother's best friend (by a black man who was identified). I went to public school that had race riots.

We both have new york educations, so black people dont scare me :rolleyes:


I used to work in Fort Green, Brooklyn and routinely had to walk ~ 2 miles from the subway station to the projects at 3:30am alone. I was the only Caucasian face around for miles ... luckily, my work partner was an ex-Black Panther Muslim Martial-Arts Sensei with his own Dojo :lol:
must have been quite the interesting job :lol:
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'twas indeed.

I was a Heating Plant Technician. AKA teh boiler man. I had to start up the plant to give heat for ~3,000 tenants. I was usually greeted each day by 3 or 4 fine young men partaking in crack at the bottom ramp entrance to the boiler plant. They knew my face though and never fucked with me :)
'twas indeed.

I was a Heating Plant Technician. AKA teh boiler man. I had to start up the plant to give heat for ~3,000 tenants. I was usually greeted each day by 3 or 4 fine young men partaking in crack at the bottom ramp entrance to the boiler plant. They knew my face though and never fucked with me :)
they were dealing? or using?
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par·take (past par·took, past participle par·tak·en, present participle par·tak·ing, 3rd person present singular par·takes)intransitive verb
Definition: 1. eat or drink something: to have something to eat or drink
"We're just about to have some tea. Would you care to partake?"

2. participate: to share in or take part in something
par·take (past par·took, past participle par·tak·en, present participle par·tak·ing, 3rd person present singular par·takes)intransitive verb
Definition: 1. eat or drink something: to have something to eat or drink
"We're just about to have some tea. Would you care to partake?"

2. participate: to share in or take part in something
Excuse me assholin, I dont know where you got that retarded definition from, but to partake in something does not mean "to eat or drink". It ONLY means to PARTICIPATE. He PARTOOK in the summer festivities. I would like to PARTAKE in killing you. Get a different source before you try to be smart and humiliate yourself. In any event, you dont eat crack, you smoke it you imbecile.

See? Now once again, shut the fuck up.
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Excuse me assholin, I dont know where you got that retarded definition from, but to partake in something does not mean "to eat or drink". It ONLY means to PARTICIPATE. He PARTOOK in the summer festivities. I would like to PARTAKE in killing you. Get a different source before you try to be smart and humiliate yourself.
Actually, he is right - *you* have just made yourself look a bit of a fool. Partake does in fact mean to take and eat food, it is a very old expression. The difference between your example and his is that you said "partake in" whilst in his example, "partake of" is implied :)
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Excuse me assholin, I dont know where you got that retarded definition from, but to partake in something does not mean "to eat or drink". It ONLY means to PARTICIPATE. He PARTOOK in the summer festivities. I would like to PARTAKE in killing you. Get a different source before you try to be smart and humiliate yourself.
Actually, he is right - *you* have just made yourself look a bit of a fool. Partake does in fact mean to take and eat food, it is a very old expression. The difference between your example and his is that you said "partake in" whilst in his example, "partake of" is implied :)
Not in dictionary.com. Nor any other prominant dictionary.

Regardless, as I stated, you don't eat or drink crack. Thus, he is still a moron :)


It was just assalin trying to sound smart. But yet, it still makes no sense in the context in which it is used.
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my last bit of NY dro :(

awe look what you done did now lou. you got me crying :(

goddamn i need to find a good supplier over here. lets see what atlanta has to offer!
I am really impressed by the fact you take drugs. Wow! You are so cool. It is admirable how you choose a forum that is centered around games where a lot of young people will read about your use of narcotics. It is deplorable how much tax-payers money is spent promoting that 'Drugs are for Losers' message and never giving the other side of the story. Well done.

If more people used drugs, perhaps we would all start to share your view of the human situation :
Learn to live in the now. There's nothing that can be done to save us as a people. We're doomed to destroy each other, no matter how you try to change it. We need to be wiped out and whoever or whatever created us needs to start over again.
Inspiring stuff.

By the way, even dictionary.com, along with every other definition I have ever seen, does refer to consuming food as one of the definitions of partake. I don't get why Azalin posted that definition - He lists participate as a definition and that is how Telco used it. It therefore was not an attempt to find fault. I can only guess he wanted to see if a totally innocuous post would provoke another reasoned response from you. I imagine he is laughing his arse off at your reaction.
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Oh ok. "participate in crack". That makes sense ;) I figured telco made a mistake and left a word out. It happens.

Anyway im glad you're one of those anti-drug people. I value your opinion, truly, I do!
Not in dictionary.com. Nor any other prominant dictionary.
Rubbish, it is listed as such in every one of the dictionary websites I found, along with both the Oxford and Cambridge dictionaries. I'm not surprised you haven't used it in that way before - like I said, it is an old word stemming directly from Middle English.

dictionary.com posted on ? said:
to receive at take at or have a share or portion (usually fol. by of): to partake of a meal.
Compact Oxford English Dictionary posted on ? said:
(partake of) eat or drink.
Cambridge Advanced Learner posted on ? said:
to eat or drink:
Would you care to partake of a little wine with us?
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3 options here:

1. My younger brother did it! He hijacked all my forum accounts while I was away in school! I'm dealing with him now :angry:

2. hahaha you all fell for it! I was joking all along! Comedy at it's finest!! harharhar!!!!

3. admit I was wrong.

I'll opt for 3. I was incorrect, and thus I apologize to assholin. I stand corrected. And yes, I've never heard of it used that way before. Learn something new every day I suppose.

Still unsure of what this fornicate person is telling me. Those anti drug commercials are what I should be listening to? So If I use pot, I'll have leaches in my mouth. Or I'll melt. Hey, those are pretty right on!

No rules against talking about my use of narcotics. Perhaps he/she needs to search and see how many people here talk about getting drunk or smoking as well ;)
Respect to DCGM, for admitting he was wrong. :)

A few people on here would of kept on arguing until their heads fell off, rather than ever admitting they could of made a mistake.
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